Hi, I was able to load up and run the MonetDB5-SQL-Installer-x86_64-20091023.msi. However, when I tried the MonetDB5-SQL-Installer-x86_64-20091119.msi I received an error about the server failing to start because it could not find lib_replication.dll. There is no indication in the Readme.html that this has to be built and it's not in the 1119 package. I tried using the 1119 because I created some compressed files (gz files created with gzip) that I wanted to load using COPY INTO and read that this is supported on Windows in the 1119 version. In the 1123 version it generated an error when loading the GZ files about not being able to locate the files - a bogus error it seems since the file path was correct. I looked on Google, forums etc but no other reports. I reloaded the 1123 to make sure that was still working and it is. I hope I did not miss a basic step or something in which case I apologize profusely! Thanks, Tah