Hello, We have a main table with 126 columns and approx. 94000 rows. We are trying to load approx 2500 records from temporary table into main table using query “insert into select” query. The database crashes upon query execution. We get error “*monetdbd: internal error while starting mserver, please refer to the logs*” when to try to connect again. No specific error is created in log file. 1500 records successfully loads from temp table to main table. We also created another main table with same DDL, that table is empty & inserted all the records from temp successfully without any issue. What could be the reason? Is 126 cols an issue? Please help. We are stuck. (btw: We have machine about 200GB of hard disk & 16 GB RAM (14 GB free)) OS* - Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-55-generic x86_64)* Monetdb version* - MonetDB v11.21.13 (Jul2015-SP2)* Thank you [image: Description: Description: Description: Description: logo] * Souri Ratnaparkhi United Software Associates Pvt. Ltd. Pune, India Mob: 8975677255* * Phone (India Lines): (91) 020-25445550 **www.usain.com* http://www.usain.com/