Hi MonetDB users, I downloaded Monet Fedora RPMs from: http://monetdb.cwi.nl/testing/projects/monetdb/Stable/.DailyBuilds./2008 1209/RPMs/Fedora9.i386.oid32/ I installed these with yum on my Fedora fc9 installation, running within VMWare on my Windows XP 32 bit machine. When I startup Mserver everything seems to work well. I start with an empty dbfarm. Then I run the following scenario: - Add 3 XML documents with pf:add-doc() (some of them updatable) - Add 2 more XML documents with pf:add-doc() - Update one of these docs: do insert <something/> into doc("a.xml")/rootelement - Send a sync() command with mclient mil. - Check the content of the database with pf:documents() (is OK) - Knock down Mserver: kill <pid> - Startup Mserver again (don't ask me why I do it like this) After this scenario I cannot gain access to Mserver with mclient: !xchange_challenge: frontend xquery not found If I wait half an hour before killing Mserver this works fine. Questions: - Does sync() do what it is supposed to do? - Why is shutdown() not implemented? - What is the right way to shutdown Mserver when it is started as a daemon in the background? - How do I guarantee the database to remain intact with the abovementioned scenario? Regards, Hans van Rijswijk Netherlands Forensic Institute