Hi Kevin,

The timestamp_to_str and date_trunc functions asre defined on the sys schema. You have to use the sys prefix to access them when the user's session is at another schema other than sys.

Best regards,


On 4/6/20 3:53 PM, Kevin Chen wrote:
I have a new db user created by following scripts:
CREATE USER "imdb" WITH PASSWORD 'imdb' NAME 'IMDB Explorer' SCHEMA "sys";
ALTER USER "imdb" SET SCHEMA "imdb";

When I tried to execute the function "timestamp_to_str", I have to add "sys." prefix to make it effective. "date_trunc" also needed to do so.
The default user "monetdb" can run the function directly without the prefix.
What should I do to perform the same way as user "monetdb" ? 

sql>select timestamp_to_str(localtimestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z');
SELECT: no such binary operator 'timestamp_to_str(timestamp,char)'
sql>select sys.timestamp_to_str(localtimestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z');
| L2                        |
| 2020-04-06 20:37:39 +0800 |
1 tuple

sql>select date_trunc('minute', timestamp '2119-02-17 02:08:12.345678');
SELECT: no such binary operator 'date_trunc(char,timestamp)'
sql>select sys.date_trunc('minute', timestamp '2119-02-17 02:08:12.345678');
| L2                         |
| 2119-02-17 02:08:00.000000 |
1 tuple

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