Hi Team, I am running monetdb with default settings. After profiling the application instructions, I have noticed that all the memory allocation are currently being performed by the following functions: GDKmalloc, GDKmallocmax, GDKzalloc, HEAPalloc So mmap and malloc are being used with in all GDK* and HEAPalloc. I have three questions please: 1) Which memory allocations of monetdb are performed through mmap and which memory allocation are performed through malloc. I know this is very open ended question but little bit info about this would be helpful. Are the BAT structures allocated through mmap or malloc? 2) One thing I noticed that, when the DB is running and even if I am not running any queries, still the DB is constantly issuing load/store instructions to Main memory. I assume that some thread in monetdb is doing bookkeeping or persistence related stuff. Can you please point out which part of the code is responsible for this? I want to exclude that part of the code from profiling 3) When we start monetdb with multiple threads, whether multiple threads use the same common virtual address memory region to allocate memory? Or each thread has their own distinct memory region? Thanks. Kind Regards, Ahmad