Hello Silvio, First of all, thank you very much for trying MonetDB/XQuery! To find (some) answers of your questions, I would like to refer you to the monetdb site: http://monetdb.cwi.nl Especially this page: http://monetdb.cwi.nl/projects/monetdb/XQuery/Documentation/Supported-Functi... As the name of the page suggests, there, you can find a list of supported XQuery features. A list of XQuery built-in functions that have been / will be / won't be implemented can be found here: http://monetdb.cwi.nl/projects/monetdb/XQuery/Documentation/XQuery-Functions... Hoop this helps a bit. Kind regards, Jennie On Tue, Nov 06, 2007 at 05:13:11PM +0100, Silvio Kohler wrote:
we're trying to benchmark different XML-DBs, one of them is MonetDB/Xquery. Two questions came up: 1) How is schema import done in MonetDB/XQuery? Does it affect execution time for queries? We imported it in the XML file and also in the query, but did not have any effect on execution time. Also, a lot of schema items such as xs:enumeration or xs:dateTime seem not to be supported. 2) Is indexing possible?
Regards, Silvio
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