Hi everybody,
I tried to setup an Eclipse project by linking the libMapi against it and adding some entities to MonetDB SQL and always get the following error:
.../Project/Debug/Project: error while loading shared libraries: libMapi.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
After all linking and compiling goes alright.
When Invoking the GCC C++ Compiler I call the following directive:
g++ -I/usr/local/Tarari/include -I/root/MonetDB/include/MonetDB -I/root/xerces-2.8/include -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 `monetdb-clients-config --cflags --libs` -MMD -MP -MF"src/IndexHandler.d" -MT"src/IndexHandler.d" -o"src/IndexHandler.o" "../src/IndexHandler.cpp"
g++ -I/usr/local/Tarari/include -I/root/MonetDB/include/MonetDB -I/root/xerces-2.8/include -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 `monetdb-clients-config --cflags --libs` -MMD -MP -MF"src/MonetMapiUpdater.d" -MT"src/MonetMapiUpdater.d" -o"src/MonetMapiUpdater.o" "../src/MonetMapiUpdater.cpp"
g++ -I/usr/local/Tarari/include -I/root/MonetDB/include/MonetDB -I/root/xerces-2.8/include -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 `monetdb-clients-config --cflags --libs` -MMD -MP -MF"src/NodeFetcher.d" -MT"src/NodeFetcher.d" -o"src/NodeFetcher.o" "../src/NodeFetcher.cpp"
When invoking the GCC C++ Linker I call the following directive:
g++ -L/usr/local/Tarari/lib -L/root/MonetDB/lib -L/root/xerces-2.8/lib `monetdb-clients-config --cflags --libs` -o"NodeFetcherCPP" ./src/IndexHandler.o ./src/MonetMapiUpdater.o ./src/NodeFetcher.o -lMapi -ltararixpath -lxerces-c
What can be the reason for the error during execution?
Thank you for any help,