Hi! I have a database that It started on version Dec2016-SP5. I have been upgrading from version to version without any problem. Now, Im trying to do the last upgrade (this means from Aug2018-SP2 to Apr2019. But Im facing an error. This is what I see on the log: 2019-06-06 15:17:55 ERR cli_gm[2188]: #main thread:!ERROR: BBPcheckbats: file /opt/monetdb/cli_gm/bat/50/65/506571.tail too small (expected 127992, actual 125580) 2019-06-06 15:17:55 MSG cli_gm[2188]: !ERROR: BBPcheckbats: file /opt/monetdb/cli_gm/bat/50/65/506571.tail too small (expected 127992, actual 125580) 2019-06-06 15:17:55 ERR cli_gm[2188]: !FATAL: BBPinit: BBPcheckbats failed 2019-06-06 15:17:58 MSG merovingian[2180]: database 'cli_gm' (2188) has exited with exit status 1 2019-06-06 15:17:58 ERR control[2180]: (local): failed to fork mserver: database 'cli_gm' appears to shut itself down after starting, check monetdbd's logfile (merovingian.log) for possible hints Is there anything I can do to solve this problem? Thks in advance Ariel PD.If I go back to version Aug2018-SP2 the database keeps working with no problem.