Henk, unfortunately, we had not time to have a closer look at this problem. In fact, the problem is quite inherent in our current setup, and hence, a proper solution is not a simple fix but rather requires a major re-design of our configuration/compilation setup. On Fri, Mar 03, 2006 at 12:11:10PM +0100, Henk van Lingen wrote:
On Fri, Apr 08, 2005 at 12:24:14PM +0200, Stefan Manegold wrote:
The "problem" is that we use a single spec file to build several RPMs. Obvioulsy, the -php, -perl, -python RPMs can only be built, if php/perl/python is available on the very system. This is detected by configure, and we convey the configure results to rpmbuild by echoing "%define buildX (0|1)" to rpmmacros in rpm.mk[.in] (cf. top level directory in source tree). This works for building the RPMs from the sources via "make rpm", but does not seem to work for building the RPM from a source RPM.
This problem still exist, so it seems. Because of the build hassle I didn't upgrade since last year. But my users really want a new version now, so I'm looking at it again. According to SourceForge you still don't do RHEL rpms (which I still find odd as it is widespread and rebuilds are free). Anyways:
-- When/How can I do a "make rpm" myself? I grabbed the source. Do I have to do a 'bootstrap' and a 'configure', and than a 'make rpm'? The 'HowToStart' file doesn't mention rpms.
First question: which kind of source did you grab? The source tarball, or the CVS check-out? As stated in the HowToStart and on our website (http://monetdb.cwi.nl/GetGoing/Setup/MonetDB/index.html), bootstrap is only required for the cvs checkout; then you do the standard configure make make dist make rpm (though a simple `configure; make rpm` should also work, provided we specified all the dependencies correctly --- I heven't check that recently.) Please let us know in case there are any problems (preferably by filing a respective bug report at: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=56967&atid=482468 .
-- What's needed for me giving you guys access to build machines? Do you need root access or is a user account just fine given that the needed software is installed? Maybe I can supply CentOS 3/4 and/or i386/x86_64 systems so we can fix this hassle for those who don't think Fedora is good enough.
All we need is a user ssh access (non-interactive, i.e., using ssh keys, no password/-phrase) to a reasonably equipped (preferably >1 GHz CPU speed, >=1 GB memory, > 1 GB free temporary disk space) machine, and the ability to occupy this machine every night for about 6-9 hours (depending on the speed of the machines; starting from midnight). (In case your machine(s) do(es) not meet all of these requirements, we might be able to do with less, but that needs to be checked in detail.) The necessary software to compile MonetDB (and its companions like the SQL & XQuery front ends) should be pre-installed; in case we find anything missing, we will let you know, hoping that some sys-admin can install the missing software. Any system that you want/need and is not yet included in our pool (http://monetdb.cwi.nl/Development/TestWeb/Platforms/index.html) is welcome ;-) Stefan
-- Henk van Lingen, Systems & Network Administrator (o- -+ Dept. of Computer Science, Utrecht University. /\ | phone: +31-30-2535278 v_/_ http://henk.vanlingen.net/ http://www.tuxtown.net/netiquette/
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-- | Dr. Stefan Manegold | mailto:Stefan.Manegold@cwi.nl | | CWI, P.O.Box 94079 | http://www.cwi.nl/~manegold/ | | 1090 GB Amsterdam | Tel.: +31 (20) 592-4212 | | The Netherlands | Fax : +31 (20) 592-4312 |