Hello together,

I installed MonetDB with the help of the latest monetdb-install.sh and played around with MIL. Now I'm stuck with translating a simple SQL-Query containing a GROUPBY.

After starting the server with 
# Mserver --dbname test --dbinit 'module(mapi); mil_start();'
and the client with
 # ./mclient -lmil -utest -dname=test

I tried the following:

var a:= bat(oid,int);
a.insert(1@0, 1995);
a.insert(2@0, 1992);
a.insert(3@0, 1993);
a.insert(4@0, 1994);
a.insert(5@0, 1995);
a.insert(6@0, 1996);

the answer is:

ERROR: const operation on a BAT
ERROR: CMDconstCopy: operation failed.
ERROR: interpret_params: print(param 1): evaluation error.

Another try after loading the xtables-Module:

| �                                                      |
1 tuple

I used a few papers and http://monetdb.cwi.nl/MonetDB/Version4/Documentation/mil/index.html (Chapter 3.7 is what I'm looking for) as tutorial but didn't find anything helpful.

Where's my mistake?

Best Regards,