14 Jun
14 Jun
12:33 p.m.
Hi Miguel, On 11-06-2010 14:02:14 +0200, Miguel Ángel Águila Lorente wrote:
I'm trying to limit the memory that monetdb can use during its executions. I'm using mal language and I've found this operation in order to do it.
command mem_maxsize(v:lng) :void address set_mem_maxsize comment "Set the maximum usable amount of physical swapspace in KB.";
When I use this operation the connection is terminated. I let here some examples: (I'm working with a machine with 32 GB)
This operation is most probably not doing what you want. The crash you reported is not dependant on the value you supply, it cannot be avoided. In short, it's flawed, so don't use it. If you want to limit monetdb's memory usage, you better go with ulimit.