On 22 Apr 2020, at 12:33, Ying Zhang
wrote: On 22 Apr 2020, at 12:04, Groot, Frank (Sociale Verzekeringsbank)
wrote: Hi,
Can you tell me which of the following division outcomes is expected behaviour?
--Division -- outcome select 10/3, -- 3
Hai Frank,
This is expected.
10/3.0, -- 3.333 10.0/3, -- 3.333 cast(10 as decimal(18,2))/3, -- 3.333 cast(10 as decimal(18,0))/3, -- 3
Not sure about this. I’ll ask around.
Hai Frank, The SQL standard says it’s implementation dependent. For “select cast(10 as decimal(18,0))/3;”, MonetDB and SQLite return 3, while Postgres and MySQL return 3.333 For “select 10/3”, MonetDB and Postgres return 3, while MySQL returns 3.333 Further, in python2 3/9 => 0, in python3 3/9 => 0.333333 Conclusion: use proper cast to get the result you want. Hope this helps. Jennie
cast(10 as decimal(18,0))/3.0 -- 3.333 ;
Personally, I would have expected all of the outcomes to be real numbers and not integers. Can you tell me if that is a realistic expectation?
Kind regards,
Frank Groot
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