Hello, is this a bug or a feature I do not understand ? I have a script bash : ------------------------------------ pcoustillas@monetdb:~$ cat bug_commit.sh #!/bin/bash i=1 while [ $i -le 3 ] do create="CREATE TABLE tmp_schampy_odc__lemondeclient_$i AS ( SELECT datamart__lemonde.id_unique, ( departement IN ( '08','10','67','42','10','15' ) ) AS top_departement FROM datamart__lemonde ) WITH DATA " echo $create mclient lemonde --statement="$create" & i=$(($i+1)) done ------------------------------------ I monetdb restarts before : service monetdb5-sql stop ; sleep 10 ; service monetdb5-sql start And i run script : pcoustillas@monetdb:~$ ./bug_commit.sh CREATE TABLE tmp_schampy_odc__lemondeclient_1 AS ( SELECT datamart__lemonde.id_unique, ( departement IN ( '08','10','67','42','10','15' ) ) AS top_departement FROM datamart__lemonde ) WITH DATA CREATE TABLE tmp_schampy_odc__lemondeclient_2 AS ( SELECT datamart__lemonde.id_unique, ( departement IN ( '08','10','67','42','10','15' ) ) AS top_departement FROM datamart__lemonde ) WITH DATA CREATE TABLE tmp_schampy_odc__lemondeclient_3 AS ( SELECT datamart__lemonde.id_unique, ( departement IN ( '08','10','67','42','10','15' ) ) AS top_departement FROM datamart__lemonde ) WITH DATA pcoustillas@monetdb:~$ operation successful operation successful COMMIT: transaction is aborted because of concurency conflicts, will ROLLBACK instead operation successful why is there a conflict while they are different tables that are created? I use the last version Database: MonetDB v11.19.7 (Oct2014-SP1) I have the same bug on : MonetDB v11.17.21 (Jan2014-SP3) Thank Pierre -- 1G6 52 route de bischwiller 67300 Schiltigheim Société de Services et de Formations en Logiciels Libres http://1g6.biz Tél : 06 64 63 70 35