Hi Hans, On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 03:17:04PM +0100, Hans van Rijswijk (DT) wrote:
Hi MonetDB users,
I downloaded Monet Fedora RPMs from: http://monetdb.cwi.nl/testing/projects/monetdb/Stable/.DailyBuilds./2008 1209/RPMs/Fedora9.i386.oid32/
I installed these with yum on my Fedora fc9 installation, running within VMWare on my Windows XP 32 bit machine.
When I startup Mserver everything seems to work well. I start with an empty dbfarm.
Then I run the following scenario: - Add 3 XML documents with pf:add-doc() (some of them updatable) - Add 2 more XML documents with pf:add-doc() - Update one of these docs: do insert <something/> into doc("a.xml")/rootelement - Send a sync() command with mclient mil.
What did/does sync() return? (i.e., TRUE or FALSE?)
- Check the content of the database with pf:documents() (is OK) - Knock down Mserver: kill <pid> - Startup Mserver again (don't ask me why I do it like this)
Well, I'd actually like to know why you do it like this --- while MonetDB should of course survive such "rude" usage (in case the mclient update transaction has successfully finished before Mserver is killed, that is), the question is whether this is (for you!) the most convenient way to use it --- we can only give advise on this in case we know, what you actually want to do, and/or why you do things the (odd?) way you do them ...
After this scenario I cannot gain access to Mserver with mclient: !xchange_challenge: frontend xquery not found
What does Mserver say at restart? Any meassges, warnings, errors? Any missing messages?
If I wait half an hour before killing Mserver this works fine.
Questions: - Does sync() do what it is supposed to do?
I hope so --- however, your updates are most probably still under the control of the logger; hence, sync() makes no difference, here, I suppose --- strage, though that replaying the logs at server start-up does not work ...
- Why is shutdown() not implemented?
Lacking user/access management in the MonetDB kernel/server it was/is considered insecure.
- What is the right way to shutdown Mserver when it is started as a daemon in the background?
For the time bing: kill. So you did all the above with Mserver started in deamon mode? What is you exact command line call to start Mserver? (In case you use any MIL scripts or modification in the MonetDB.conf file, please say so, too.) Did/could you also try, what happens in case you start Mserver in interactive mode (both on the virgin DB and for the restart after the updates), and shut it down by saying "quit();" on the MIL console?
- How do I guarantee the database to remain intact with the abovementioned scenario?
As long as your update transaction has sucessfully finished, MonetDB should take care of this. In case is doesn't, I consider this a bug, and you should file a respective bug report including all the information to reproduce the problem. Stefan
Regards, Hans van Rijswijk Netherlands Forensic Institute
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-- | Dr. Stefan Manegold | mailto:Stefan.Manegold@cwi.nl | | CWI, P.O.Box 94079 | http://www.cwi.nl/~manegold/ | | 1090 GB Amsterdam | Tel.: +31 (20) 592-4212 | | The Netherlands | Fax : +31 (20) 592-4312 |