Perhaps you need to -h option: mclient -u monetdb -d maizeFullGenomeDB -h HOST where HOST is the name of the machine the database runs on. On 01/14/2016 04:48 PM, Lynn Carol Johnson wrote:
Hello -
I am running monetdb with the July2015 service pack on MAC OSX. I have no problem running and connecting to a dbfarm that lives on my MAC. But I want to test a very large data set so have created a dbfarm on a Samsung T1 SSD external drive that is USB connected to my MAC.
I have successfully started monetdbd server and have attached to my dbfarm. I created/released a new database. Yet when I attempt to run mClient it fails. Here is the “get all” command:
rs-btlcj34lt:testMapiSock lcj34$ monetdbd get all /Volumes/Samsung_T1/alt-dbfarm
property value
hostname rs-btlcj34lt.maize.cornell.edu
dbfarm /Volumes/Samsung_T1/alt-dbfarm
status monetdbd[740] 1.7 (Jul2015-SP1) is serving this dbfarm
mserver /Users/lcj34/development/usr/local/monetdb/bin/mserver5
logfile /Volumes/Samsung_T1/alt-dbfarm/merovingian.log
pidfile /Volumes/Samsung_T1/alt-dbfarm/merovingian.pid
sockdir /tmp
port 50000
exittimeout 60
forward proxy
discovery true
discoveryttl 600
control no
passphrase <unknown>
mapisock /tmp/.s.monetdb.50000
controlsock /tmp/.s.merovingian.50000
rs-btlcj34lt:testMapiSock lcj34$
Here is the command line error:
rs-btlcj34lt:alt-dbfarm lcj34$ mclient -u monetdb -d maizeFullGenomeDB
monetdbd: internal error while starting mserver, please refer to the logs
And here is the error from the log file.
2016-01-14 10:33:26 MSG maizeFullGenomeDB[749]: # Visit http://www.monetdb.org/ for further information
2016-01-14 10:33:26 MSG maizeFullGenomeDB[749]: !IOException:mal_mapi.listen:operation failed: binding to UNIX socket file /Volumes/Samsung_T1/alt-dbfarm/maizeFullGenomeDB/.mapi.sock failed: No such file or directory
If I switch back to a dbfarm local to the MAC, it works fine.
Any ideas why I can’t connect to a dbfarm on the external drive? Is there something else that needs to be setup for the socket creation to work?
Thanks - Lynn
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-- Sjoerd Mullender