On Nov 19, 2007 3:48 PM, m h
Hello again -
I've filed another bug here....
Similar to the NUMERIC not allowing initial NULLs, AUTO_INCREMENT won't allow skipping of Primary Keys (the first time after, the second time it works) after you've inserted with a Primary Key...
Nels - Thanks for plowing through my bugs! Sadly it appears that this one has disappeared into the ether??? (I'll blame sourceforge) Here's the gist of my bug: CREATE TABLE testusers ( id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(40), fullname VARCHAR(100), PRIMARY KEY (id) ); INSERT INTO testusers (id, name, fullname) VALUES (1, 'wendy', 'Wendy Wones'); -- This will fail the first time INSERT INTO testusers (name, fullname) VALUES ('fred', 'Fred Flintstone'); -- Now it will succeed???!!! INSERT INTO testusers (name, fullname) VALUES ('fred', 'Fred Flintstone'); I'll file another bug...