14 Feb
14 Feb
6:38 p.m.
However, in a MIL session, mapi_get_querytype seems to return always -1. I could omit the shortcut MIL output currently is not as 'rich' as SQL output. Indeed with MIL
Stefan Manegold wrote: there is no query type for a result.
described above in a MIL session and always establish a 'fetch-able' handle:
if ( MapiLib::mapi_get_querytype($hdl) != 3 && $dbh->{monetdb_language} eq 'sql') { $sth->{monetdb_rows} = $rows; return $rows || '0E0'; }
Any objections?
I'll also forward this one to the MAPI experts: Sjoerd, Fabian?
The final say is to Sjoerd here, but I think that with MIL you even have to fetch everything what is fetchable because the output can be anything and isn't known upfront as with SQL's query type.