hello again, i have found a solution for my problem: - download of the monetdb-client tarball - copy of the /src/python into the local python directory - installation of the python api from the python directory (python setup.py install) now i can access to the monetdb database from a python script. thanks to gijs molenaar, who has that great idea. greetings, martin Martin Körner schrieb:
Hello Guys,
i have installed the MonetDB 5 SQL client-server package from
The downloaded file was MonetDB5-SQL-Installer-i386-20100322.msi. So i use a Windows XP 32bit system. My installed Python version is now 2.6.
Now i want to access MonetDB with Python. But i found no way to install the MonetDB Python API. I tried it like it is shown on
But there is no file 'setup.py' to install.
Is there any other way to install the API? Where i can download an install package for the API?
With best greetings from Germany, Martin
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