Hello, I'm trying to limit the memory that monetdb can use during its executions. I'm using mal language and I've found this operation in order to do it. command mem_maxsize(v:lng) :void address set_mem_maxsize comment "Set the maximum usable amount of physical swapspace in KB."; When I use this operation the connection is terminated. I let here some examples: (I'm working with a machine with 32 GB) mal>status.mem_maxsize(4294967296:lng); MAPI = monetdb@localhost:50000 ACTION= read_line QUERY = status.mem_maxsize(4294967296:lng); ERROR = !Connection terminated mal>status.mem_maxsize(1073741824:lng); MAPI = monetdb@localhost:50000 ACTION= read_line QUERY = status.mem_maxsize(1073741824:lng); ERROR = !Connection terminated mal>status.mem_maxsize(1048576:lng); MAPI = monetdb@localhost:50000 ACTION= read_line QUERY = status.mem_maxsize(1048576:lng); ERROR = !Connection terminated Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you. Mike