
Thanks for the insightful information, I really appreciate. Initially, I am hoping to be able to run generic query across multiple machines using MonetDB but from what you said, it seem like it 's difficult to accomplish and you guys are working it right now. I will be looking forward to the next generation of MonetDB.


Martin Kersten <> wrote:
Hi Natthapol

Thank you for your interest in MonetDB and support. We appreciate
learning about experiences outside our lab. Both negative and positive ;-)

Natthapol Wongsaroj wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a new user who was attracted to MonetDB by the need to perform
> query operations in the area of data mining/ business intelligence and I
> have been doing some research and tried to download and play with
> MonetDB and so far I have been having a great experience!
> The situation we are dealing here is that we have transactional data of
> various stores of the same retailer that go back several years in the
> history and we have several machines that we would like to install
> MonetDB and perform parallel query. (let 's assume that we have data for
> 8 stores and we have 8 machines for simplicity)
> I have the following questions:
> 1. I understand that MonetDB automatically perform vertical partitioning
> on the same machine (correct me if I am wrong), would it be possible to
> perform vertical partitioning across several machines? Will it make the
At this stage this is not handled by the SQL front-end. However, it is
possible to set-up a multi-server environment using the MIL intermediate
> query faster by doing so?
> Any pointers or guidance would be highly appreciated.
Unless you are an experienced programmer I would suggest to wait and
attempt first to see how far you get on a single system.
You will also experience some performance loss when the database
hot-set (the part needed in a query) greatly exceeds your primary
memory. You would experience the same loss of performance in
other opensource systems as well.

We are in the middle of a process where we attack the distributed
processing of SQL. The target application is Skyserver, a 2.5TB
demanding application in astronomy. But don't hold your breath.
> 2. As of the current release of MonetDB, I understand that it does not
> yet support horizontal partitioning, however, I am wondering that would
> it be possible to manually perform horizontal partitioning and put the
> horizontally partitioned database on different machines (i.e. each store
Absolutely. But then you have to resolve the distributed query processing
in a middle-layer software. It is not automatically done by the current
> on each machine in the example)? Then can we use tcpip module to
> communicate to each machine and assemble BAT together? How much
I would stay at the SQL layer and mimick multiple clients accessing
the distributed database. The results (hopefully small) can be
handled by a single system.
> effort-intensive is this approach? Any guidance is highly appreciated.
Effort depends on the complexity of your application. If you have a few
well-defined queries and knowledge on JDBC it should not take more
than a few days to get something running. The benefit would indeed
be a faster scan/aggr operation. Joining and grouping over multiple
sites would be more expensive.
> I guess, in all, we are wondering how can we get the most of MonetDB
> across multiple machines doing parallel query.
Potentially a lot, but we are working on the infrastructure to make
it easy for end-users.

regards, Martin
> Thanks,
> Natthapol
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