On 05/03/2012 04:11 PM, Martin Kersten wrote:
Hi Gijs,
median() is a predefined aggregate function in SQL. You might have to quote it.
We don't define a median function anywhere. I think the problem is somewhere else. It happens when I alter some auth stuff and then login for the second time, as Bart described. Here is a simple bash script that can reproduce the problem (probably). This is with an empty ~/.monetdb file. """ DBNAME="trap" USER="trap" PASSWORD="trap" monetdb stop ${DBNAME} monetdb destroy -f ${DBNAME} monetdb create ${DBNAME} monetdb start ${DBNAME} echo "type: monetdb" mclient -d${DBNAME} -umonetdb <<-EOF ALTER USER "monetdb" RENAME TO "${USER}"; ALTER USER SET PASSWORD '${PASSWORD}' USING OLD PASSWORD 'monetdb'; CREATE SCHEMA "${DBNAME}" AUTHORIZATION "${USER}"; ALTER USER "${USER}" SET SCHEMA "${DBNAME}"; EOF echo "type: trap" mclient -d${DBNAME} -u${USER} <<-EOF EOF echo "type: trap" mclient -d${DBNAME} -u${USER} <<-EOF EOF """