I have a new db user created by following scripts:
CREATE USER "imdb" WITH PASSWORD 'imdb' NAME 'IMDB Explorer' SCHEMA "sys";
ALTER USER "imdb" SET SCHEMA "imdb";

When I tried to execute the function "timestamp_to_str", I have to add "sys." prefix to make it effective. "date_trunc" also needed to do so.
The default user "monetdb" can run the function directly without the prefix.
What should I do to perform the same way as user "monetdb" ? 

sql>select timestamp_to_str(localtimestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z');
SELECT: no such binary operator 'timestamp_to_str(timestamp,char)'
sql>select sys.timestamp_to_str(localtimestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z');
| L2                        |
| 2020-04-06 20:37:39 +0800 |
1 tuple

sql>select date_trunc('minute', timestamp '2119-02-17 02:08:12.345678');
SELECT: no such binary operator 'date_trunc(char,timestamp)'
sql>select sys.date_trunc('minute', timestamp '2119-02-17 02:08:12.345678');
| L2                         |
| 2119-02-17 02:08:00.000000 |
1 tuple