time I will use the MonetDB mailing lists for such questions

2010/7/20 Stefan Manegold <>
Dear Kun Ren,

first of all, I would highly appreciate if you could stick to using the
MonetDB mailing lists for such questions about MonetDB instead of sending me
private email. On the one hand, this increases the chances for you to get
quick and suitable answers, as more people read the mailing lists. On the
other hand, other users might have similar questions and benefit from the
answers sent to the mailing lists.

Having said that, given that you mention neither the version of MonetDB
you're using or any specification of your Linux & Windows machine(s) (in
particular whether MonetDB, the OS, and the hardware architecture are 32- or
64-bit), nor whether you get any error or not (What exactly does "auto stop
mean"? What exactly happens?) I can only guess that your Linux system is
64-bit while your Windows system (or at least the MonetDB version you
installed on it) is 32-bit.

For a detailed discussion of the impact of 32-bit vs. 64-bit on the
scalability of MonetDB, please see

Hope this helps.

On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 05:19:40PM +0800, kun ren wrote:
> Dear professer Stefan,
>         Recently,I use TPC-H test the Monetdb, On windows ,so I use "copy
> ,, records,,,into,,from" to load data to Monetdb,when the size of the file
> is about 700M,It is OK.But when the size is 1.4G,the Monetdb server is auto
> stop when loading. But when I am in Linux, it is no problem. So I want to
> ask why it is wrong on windows when the file is so large?
> Best regards,

| Dr. Stefan Manegold | |
| CWI,  P.O.Box 94079 |  |
| 1090 GB Amsterdam   | Tel.: +31 (20) 592-4212       |
| The Netherlands     | Fax : +31 (20) 592-4199       |