Hi, I have a query that runs without any problems when the default optimizer settings are used. But once I add 'recycle' to the existing optimizer modules, the query doesn't return. Mserver seems to be stuck in an infinite loop with 50% CPU usage. I am running Monet compiled from CVS on Windows. This is the query: select sum(t1."AddressID"), "hour"(t1."ModifiedDate") as aa from "schema1"."CustomerAddress" as t1 inner join "schema1"."CustomerAddress"as t2 on t1."CustomerID" = t2."CustomerID" group by aa This is what I get from 'select opimizer': inline,remap,evaluate,costModel,coercions,emptySet,mitosis,aliases,mergetable,deadcode,constants,commonTerms,joinPath,deadcode,reduce,garbageCollector,dataflow,history,multiplex,recycle Thanks. -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Query-failure-with-%27recycle%27-in-optimizer-tp233893... Sent from the monetdb-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.