We are having a serious problem. Every time the DB starts doing crazy
things with the MERGE tables (as described in the email attached). The DB
crashes for ever.
2016-07-17 23:51:29 MSG merovingian[10151]: database 'trafico' (10165) was
killed by signal SIGSEGV
2016-07-17 23:51:29 ERR control[10151]: (local): failed to fork mserver:
database 'trafico' appears to shut itself down after starting, check
monetdbd's logfile for possible hints
2016-07-17 23:52:16 MSG merovingian[10151]: caught SIGTERM, starting
shutdown sequence
2016-07-17 23:52:19 MSG merovingian[10151]: Merovingian 1.7 stopped
2016-07-17 23:52:19 MSG control[10151]: control channel closed
The only way to recover is creating a newly fresh DBFARM.
If anyone knows something please help me!. We are creating the DB every
week :(
*Ariel Abadi*
Direct: +54 11 5279.2054
Mobile:+54 9 11 6050.0101
Email: aabadi@starconnecting.com
Web: www.starconnecting.com
On Sun, Jul 17, 2016 at 8:09 PM, Ariel Abadi
We are facing a problem with MERGE Tables.
We have a process in php which connects to the DB using the mapi ( https://www.monetdb.org/Documentation/Manuals/SQLreference/Programming/MAPI https://www.google.com/url?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.monetdb.org%2FDocumentation%2FManuals%2FSQLreference%2FProgramming%2FMAPI&sa=D&sntz=1&usg=AFQjCNGpR9jSaQKxbmqRuVF8krphUQBn1g )
The process creates a new table everyday as follows: CREATE TABLE cub8_20160717 AS (SELECT * FROM cub8) WITH NO DATA;
Then, attaches that new table to the MERGE table called cub8_cubo as follows: ALTER TABLE cub8_cubo ADD TABLE cub8_20160717 ;
Once all this is created, it start inserting data.
Everything works fine, with NO errors. BUT if I run a query against cub8_cubo I dont see cub8_20160717 data.
So I run this query in order to check if the new table was attached to the merge: SELECT a.name, b.name, s.name FROM sys.tables as a JOIN sys.dependencies d ON a.id = d.depend_id JOIN sys.tables as b ON b.id= d.id JOIN sys.schemas as s ON a.schema_id = s.id WHERE a.type= 3 AND a.name ILIKE '%cub8%' ORDER BY 1,2;
+-----------+---------------+ | name | name | +===========+===============+ | cub8_cubo | cub8_20160710 | | cub8_cubo | cub8_20160711 | | cub8_cubo | cub8_20160712 | | cub8_cubo | cub8_20160713 | | cub8_cubo | cub8_20160714 | | cub8_cubo | cub8_20160715 | | cub8_cubo | cub8_20160716 | | cub8_cubo | cub8_20160717 |
So I try to detached from cub8_cubo, with the command: ALTER TABLE cub8_cubo DROP TABLE cub8_20160717;
ALTER TABLE: table 'sb_traf.cub8_20160717' isn't part of the MERGE TABLE 'sb_traf.cub8_cubo'
So I ADD it again: ALTER TABLE cub8_cubo ADD TABLE cub8_20160717;
and now yes... I can see the data. If I need to detach that table, I need to run ALTER ... DROP twice or three times to get it done.
It seems to be a bug?, are we doing something wrong ??
Thks in advance!
*PS.:We are using * *MonetDB Database Server v1.7 (Jun2016)*
*Welcome to mclient, the MonetDB/SQL interactive terminal (Jun2016)*