24 Sep
24 Sep
5:08 p.m.
Hi, I want to construct a Monet client app in C on Windows but find very sparse info on this. I took notice of the fact that Windows is apparently not exactly Monet's main target platform. Still, I tried using nmake on the client sources but ran into errors involving missing (or incorrectly placed) files (see below). Do I really have to go through the complete 'Experts > Windows Installation', i.e. building MonetDB server itself? regards, Sander ...\clients-1.18.2\src\mapilib>nmake -f makefile.msc Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 8.00.50727.42 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. makefile.msc(8) : fatal error U1052: file '.\..\..\rules.msc' not found