Example which works here. gdk_dbfarm=/scratch/var/MonetDB5/dbfarm sql_logdir=/scratch/var/MonetDB5/sql_logs
Else could you include your current (anonymized) monetdb5.conf
I tried the above example switching like this: gdk_dbfarm=/data/MonetDB5/dbfarm sql_logdir=/data/MonetDB5/sql_logs left everything else unchanged in the log file. 1. merovigian starts ok. does not complain in log about anything 2. database starts ok, i see mserver5 running. when I try connecting to client it says "database does not accept connections" NOTE: my monetdb5.conf says mapi_open=false, however, the ps shows that mserver5 is running with -set mapi open true. ?? how come? -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/alternate-dbfarm-location-not-working-tp16715294p16744... Sent from the monetdb-users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.