The MonetDB team at CWI/MonetDB BV is pleased to announce the Mar2011 feature release of the MonetDB suite of programs. This release marks the last planned release of MonetDB4 and Pathfinder, and hence the last planned release of MonetDB/XQuery. Development of the Pathfinder compiler continues at the University of Tübingen. The next release, currently planned for April 2011, should be a smooth upgrade from this release, even if MonetDB/XQuery is installed (which will of course then not be upgraded). This release also marks the first release of the new way of building the MonetDB suite. For details on both these issues, and on the other features and bug fixes of this release, please see the release notes at http://monetdb.cwi.nl/Development/Releases/Mar2011/. As usual, the download location is http://dev.monetdb.org/downloads/. -- Sjoerd Mullender