How to manage access rights

New to Monetdb, From a DBA perspective I’m having trouble understanding how to manage access rights to schemas and the tables therein. My department has many senior analysts who should have admin rights to the tables within the schema (DML - select, insert, update, delete, trunc, etc; DDL create table, drop table, create seq, etc). There are also some users that need select only in a given schema. How do I manage this without having to grant access per table? Is that where roles come into play? Say super users get privilege_code_id= 79 (SELECT,INSERT,UPDATE,DELETE,TRUNCATE) whereas some users would be assigned privilege_code_id= 1 (SELECT). What about DDL rights? I am not seeing those in the roles? I do see the ability when the schema is created with CREATE SCHEMA "ABC" AUTHORIZATION "xyz_user". What I don’t want to do is have to run a query that searches all tables in a schema, grant admin DDL to them. Thanks!
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