Hi! Someone can help please!?!?!!! I have created a function in python (see attached the definition), every time I try to use it against a "big table" monetdb is hanging out. What I found is that instead of sending the value of each nrm_json (to the function) , monet is sending the full column!!!.. This means that if the table has 10MM rows, then python is receiving ALL the records instead of the nrm_json STRING: SELECT sb_glob.getjsonfield_python(nrm_json, 'conference_id') FROM nrm_20180107 LIMIT 3; CREATE FUNCTION sb_glob.getjsonfield_python(nrm_json STRING, nrm_field STRING) RETURNS STRING LANGUAGE PYTHON { import ast a=ast.literal_eval(str(nrm_json.encode('utf-8'))) if not a.has_key(nrm_field): a[nrm_field] = '' return str(a[nrm_field]) }; I hope you understand, and guide me in solving this problem Thks in advance Ariel
participants (1)
Ariel Abadi