[MonetDB-users] (no subject)

Hello, I am interested in evaluating MonetDB/XQuery. I have some XML collections for a project I work on that are of 1-2 million individual XML documents for which I use XQuery to access for OLAP style reporting operations. This is a Java-based project, and while working on this project I developed a thin XQuery-centric API so that I could evaluate/use many different XQuery implementations, which my company released as an open source project called Xaj (http://sourceforge.net/projects/xaj). Currently I am using a Berkeley DB XML implementation, but am interested in exploring other options. I'd like to implement a MonetDB version of this API now, but I am having some difficulty finding out how to effectively access MonetDB through Java. So far I was able to use the MonetDB JDBC driver to construct XQuery statements and get XML results, and also I was able to construct MonetDB pf:add-doc() statements to add documents, but I am wondering if this is the best approach (and if so, how to add documents to a remote MonetDB server using the pf:add-doc() mechanism). The API I am trying to implement you can view here, to give you an idea what I'm trying to do: http://xaj.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/xaj/xaj/src/net/sf/xaj/XmlDb.java?revision=2&view=markup It was somewhat modeled after the defunct XML:DB API, but focused just on add/store/XQuery operations. Any help/advise would be greatly appreciated! -- m@
participants (1)
Matt Magoffin