GDK reported error. MT_mremap: mremap failed. !OS: Cannot allocate memory

I'm not sure that you can get the accessory(script). Here I put the text. #!/bin/bash BASEDIR=$(cd `dirname $0`;pwd -P) DAT_DIR=$BASEDIR/tpc-ds_test_data10G #drop tables if they are existed for i in $(ls $DAT_DIR/*.dat) do filename=$(echo $i | awk -F '/' '{print $NF}' | awk -F '.' '{print $1}') echo "start dropping table $filename" #./ $filename mclient -s "drop table $filename;" echo "end dropping table $filename" done #create tables mclient /home/monetdb/v2.6.0/tools/tpcds.sql #load data for i in $(ls $DAT_DIR/*.dat) do filename=$(echo $i | awk -F '/' '{print $NF}' | awk -F '.' '{print $1}') #./ $filename echo "start loading data to table $filename" mclient -s "copy into $filename from '$DAT_DIR/$filename.dat' using delimiters '|' null as '';" echo "end loading data to table $filename" done the query is showed in previous email.
participants (1)