Re: [MonetDB-users] connection terminated

hi, i started to have suddenly following problem with the M5Server. I can start the server and get the following screen which seems fine:
# MonetDB server v5.10.2, based on kernel v1.28.2 # Serving database 'demo', using 1 thread # Compiled for i686-pc-win32/32bit with 32bit OIDs dynamically linked # Copyright (c) 1993-July 2008 CWI. # Copyright (c) August 2008- MonetDB B.V., all rights reserved # Visit for further information #warning: please don't forget to set your vault key! #(see C:\Program Files\MonetDB\MonetDB5\etc\monetdb5.conf) # Listening for connection requests on mapi:monetdb:// # MonetDB/SQL module v2.28.2 loaded
When i start the client I get following message and the server shuts down:
Connection terminated Press any key to continue . . .
I have tried to reinstall monetDb but it does not help. can anyone point me into the right direction? Thanks
Hi, i have the same problem. It started after i sent a query refering to the geom module. Maybe someone has an idea? Thanks
participants (1)
Christoph Beekmans