Hi all - I’m going nuts trying to determine why a monetdb SQL query does not work. I am trying to pull data from 2 tables. These tables are in the DB as shown here: sql>\d TABLE maizefullgenome.fullgenomegff TABLE maizefullgenome.fullgenomestable TABLE maizefullgenome.gene_from_gff TABLE maizefullgenome.ranges_from_gff sql> If I join only on the “pos” field, the query executes. Here is that query:
delChrPosGene_fullGenome <-dbGetQuery(conn,
"SELECT fg.chr,fg.pos,gt.gene_name FROM maizeFullGenome.fullgenomestable fg join maizeFullGenome.gene_from_gff gt on (fg.pos >= gt.start_pos AND fg.pos <= gt.end_pos) where gerp_score> 2 AND gerp_neutral_tree_length > 2 AND ((sift_score_a < 0.05 AND sift_score_a >= -1) OR (sift_score_c < 0.05 AND sift_score_c >=-1) OR (sift_score_g < 0.05 AND sift_score_g >=-1) OR (sift_score_t < 0.05 AND sift_score_t >=-1))") If I add the “chr” field, it fails with the message below. Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this second query?
delChrPosGene_fullGenome <-dbGetQuery(conn,
"SELECT fg.chr,fg.pos,gt.gene_name FROM maizeFullGenome.fullgenomestable fg join maizeFullGenome.gene_from_gff gt on (fg.chr = gt.chr AND fg.pos >= gt.start_pos AND fg.pos <= gt.end_pos) where gerp_score> 2 AND gerp_neutral_tree_length > 2 AND ((sift_score_a < 0.05 AND sift_score_a >= -1) OR (sift_score_c < 0.05 AND sift_score_c >=-1) OR (sift_score_g < 0.05 AND sift_score_g >=-1) OR (sift_score_t < 0.05 AND sift_score_t >=-1))") Error in .local(conn, statement, ...) : Unable to execute statement 'SELECT fg.chr,fg.pos,gt.gene_name FROM maizeFullGenome.fullgenomestable fg join maizeFullGenome.gene...'. Server says '!Object not found'. Here are the fields in the gene_from_gff table: sql>\d maizefullgenome.gene_from_gff CREATE TABLE "maizefullgenome"."gene_from_gff" ( "chr" INTEGER, "start_pos" INTEGER, "end_pos" INTEGER, "gene_name" CHARACTER LARGE OBJECT ); sql> Here are the fields in the fullgenomestable table: sql>\d maizefullgenome.fullgenomestable CREATE TABLE "maizefullgenome"."fullgenomestable" ( "chr" INTEGER, "pos" INTEGER, "ref_allele" TINYINT, "two_bp_upstream" INTEGER, "two_bp_downstream" INTEGER, "three_bp_upstream" INTEGER, "three_bp_center" INTEGER, "three_bp_downstream" INTEGER, "four_bp_upstream" INTEGER, "four_bp_downstream" INTEGER, "five_bp_upstream" INTEGER, "five_bp_center" INTEGER, "five_bp_downstream" INTEGER, "gc_content" TINYINT, "gerp_neutral_tree_length" REAL, "gerp_score" REAL, "gerp_conserved" BOOLEAN, "cmethylation" REAL, "cpg_methylation_1bk_moving_average" REAL, "chg_methylation_1bk_moving_average" REAL, "chh_methylation_1bk_moving_average" REAL, "mnase_low_minus_high_rpm_shoots" REAL, "mnase_bayes_factor_shoots" REAL, "mnase_hotspot_shoots" BOOLEAN, "mnase_low_minus_high_rpm_roots" REAL, "mnase_bayes_factor_roots" REAL, "mnase_hotspot_roots" BOOLEAN, "allele_total_depth" INTEGER, "site_presence" INTEGER, "conservedgene_presence" BOOLEAN, "minor_allele" INTEGER, "maf" REAL, "combined_site_uniqueness_score" REAL, "site_uniqueness_score_sd" REAL, "expected_invariant_site" BOOLEAN, "codon_position" TINYINT, "within_cds" BOOLEAN, "within_gene" BOOLEAN, "within_transcript" BOOLEAN, "within_exon" BOOLEAN, "within_five_prime_utr" BOOLEAN, "within_three_prime_utr" BOOLEAN, "within_mirna" BOOLEAN, "line_family" INTEGER, "sine_family" INTEGER, "ltr_family" INTEGER, "helitron" BOOLEAN, "carot_common_support_interval" TINYINT, "toco_common_support_interval" TINYINT, "orig_amino_acid_a" TINYINT, "new_amino_acid_a" TINYINT, "amino_acid_substitute_pos_a" INTEGER, "sift_score_a" REAL, "sift_median_seq_info_a" REAL, "number_seqs_at_pos_a" INTEGER, "orig_amino_acid_c" TINYINT, "new_amino_acid_c" TINYINT, "amino_acid_substitute_pos_c" INTEGER, "sift_score_c" REAL, "sift_median_seq_info_c" REAL, "number_seqs_at_pos_c" INTEGER, "orig_amino_acid_g" TINYINT, "new_amino_acid_g" TINYINT, "amino_acid_substitute_pos_g" INTEGER, "sift_score_g" REAL, "sift_median_seq_info_g" REAL, "number_seqs_at_pos_g" INTEGER, "orig_amino_acid_t" TINYINT, "new_amino_acid_t" TINYINT, "amino_acid_substitute_pos_t" INTEGER, "sift_score_t" REAL, "sift_median_seq_info_t" REAL, "number_seqs_at_pos_t" INTEGER, "b73_uniqueness_score" REAL, "cml247_uniqueness_score" REAL, "ph207_uniqueness_score" REAL, "w22_uniqueness_score" REAL, "coelorachis_anc" TINYINT, "vossia_anc" TINYINT, "sorghum_anc" TINYINT, "oryza_anc" TINYINT, "setaria_anc" TINYINT, "brachypodium_anc" TINYINT, "hordeum_anc" TINYINT, "musa_anc" TINYINT, "populus_anc" TINYINT, "vitis_anc" TINYINT, "arabidopsis_anc" TINYINT, "panicum_anc" TINYINT ); sql> Any hints are greatly appreciated! Thanks - Lynn

what happens if you use
SELECT gt.chr instead of SELECT fg.chr ?
what happens if you add more parentheses all over the place? for example
(( fg.chr = gt.chr ) AND ( fg.pos >= gt.start_pos ) AND ( fg.pos <=
gt.end_pos) )
instead of
(fg.chr = gt.chr AND fg.pos >= gt.start_pos AND fg.pos <= gt.end_pos)
On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 3:36 PM, Lynn Carol Johnson
Hi all -
I’m going nuts trying to determine why a monetdb SQL query does not work. I am trying to pull data from 2 tables. These tables are in the DB as shown here:
TABLE maizefullgenome.fullgenomegff
TABLE maizefullgenome.fullgenomestable
TABLE maizefullgenome.gene_from_gff
TABLE maizefullgenome.ranges_from_gff
If I join only on the “pos” field, the query executes. Here is that query:
delChrPosGene_fullGenome <-dbGetQuery(conn,
"SELECT fg.chr,fg.pos,gt.gene_name FROM maizeFullGenome.fullgenomestable fg
join maizeFullGenome.gene_from_gff gt on (fg.pos >= gt.start_pos AND fg.pos <= gt.end_pos)
where gerp_score> 2 AND gerp_neutral_tree_length > 2
AND ((sift_score_a < 0.05 AND sift_score_a >= -1)
OR (sift_score_c < 0.05 AND sift_score_c >=-1)
OR (sift_score_g < 0.05 AND sift_score_g >=-1)
OR (sift_score_t < 0.05 AND sift_score_t >=-1))")
If I add the “chr” field, it fails with the message below. Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this second query?
delChrPosGene_fullGenome <-dbGetQuery(conn,
"SELECT fg.chr,fg.pos,gt.gene_name FROM maizeFullGenome.fullgenomestable fg
join maizeFullGenome.gene_from_gff gt on (fg.chr = gt.chr AND fg.pos >= gt.start_pos AND fg.pos <= gt.end_pos)
where gerp_score> 2 AND gerp_neutral_tree_length > 2
AND ((sift_score_a < 0.05 AND sift_score_a >= -1)
OR (sift_score_c < 0.05 AND sift_score_c >=-1)
OR (sift_score_g < 0.05 AND sift_score_g >=-1)
OR (sift_score_t < 0.05 AND sift_score_t >=-1))")
Error in .local(conn, statement, ...) :
Unable to execute statement 'SELECT fg.chr,fg.pos,gt.gene_name FROM maizeFullGenome.fullgenomestable fg join maizeFullGenome.gene...'.
Server says '!Object not found'.
Here are the fields in the gene_from_gff table:
sql>\d maizefullgenome.gene_from_gff
CREATE TABLE "maizefullgenome"."gene_from_gff" (
"chr" INTEGER,
"start_pos" INTEGER,
"end_pos" INTEGER,
sql> Here are the fields in the fullgenomestable table:
sql>\d maizefullgenome.fullgenomestable
CREATE TABLE "maizefullgenome"."fullgenomestable" (
"chr" INTEGER,
"pos" INTEGER,
"ref_allele" TINYINT,
"two_bp_upstream" INTEGER,
"two_bp_downstream" INTEGER,
"three_bp_upstream" INTEGER,
"three_bp_center" INTEGER,
"three_bp_downstream" INTEGER,
"four_bp_upstream" INTEGER,
"four_bp_downstream" INTEGER,
"five_bp_upstream" INTEGER,
"five_bp_center" INTEGER,
"five_bp_downstream" INTEGER,
"gc_content" TINYINT,
"gerp_neutral_tree_length" REAL,
"gerp_score" REAL,
"gerp_conserved" BOOLEAN,
"cmethylation" REAL,
"cpg_methylation_1bk_moving_average" REAL,
"chg_methylation_1bk_moving_average" REAL,
"chh_methylation_1bk_moving_average" REAL,
"mnase_low_minus_high_rpm_shoots" REAL,
"mnase_bayes_factor_shoots" REAL,
"mnase_hotspot_shoots" BOOLEAN,
"mnase_low_minus_high_rpm_roots" REAL,
"mnase_bayes_factor_roots" REAL,
"mnase_hotspot_roots" BOOLEAN,
"allele_total_depth" INTEGER,
"site_presence" INTEGER,
"conservedgene_presence" BOOLEAN,
"minor_allele" INTEGER,
"maf" REAL,
"combined_site_uniqueness_score" REAL,
"site_uniqueness_score_sd" REAL,
"expected_invariant_site" BOOLEAN,
"codon_position" TINYINT,
"within_cds" BOOLEAN,
"within_gene" BOOLEAN,
"within_transcript" BOOLEAN,
"within_exon" BOOLEAN,
"within_five_prime_utr" BOOLEAN,
"within_three_prime_utr" BOOLEAN,
"within_mirna" BOOLEAN,
"line_family" INTEGER,
"sine_family" INTEGER,
"ltr_family" INTEGER,
"helitron" BOOLEAN,
"carot_common_support_interval" TINYINT,
"toco_common_support_interval" TINYINT,
"orig_amino_acid_a" TINYINT,
"new_amino_acid_a" TINYINT,
"amino_acid_substitute_pos_a" INTEGER,
"sift_score_a" REAL,
"sift_median_seq_info_a" REAL,
"number_seqs_at_pos_a" INTEGER,
"orig_amino_acid_c" TINYINT,
"new_amino_acid_c" TINYINT,
"amino_acid_substitute_pos_c" INTEGER,
"sift_score_c" REAL,
"sift_median_seq_info_c" REAL,
"number_seqs_at_pos_c" INTEGER,
"orig_amino_acid_g" TINYINT,
"new_amino_acid_g" TINYINT,
"amino_acid_substitute_pos_g" INTEGER,
"sift_score_g" REAL,
"sift_median_seq_info_g" REAL,
"number_seqs_at_pos_g" INTEGER,
"orig_amino_acid_t" TINYINT,
"new_amino_acid_t" TINYINT,
"amino_acid_substitute_pos_t" INTEGER,
"sift_score_t" REAL,
"sift_median_seq_info_t" REAL,
"number_seqs_at_pos_t" INTEGER,
"b73_uniqueness_score" REAL,
"cml247_uniqueness_score" REAL,
"ph207_uniqueness_score" REAL,
"w22_uniqueness_score" REAL,
"coelorachis_anc" TINYINT,
"vossia_anc" TINYINT,
"sorghum_anc" TINYINT,
"oryza_anc" TINYINT,
"setaria_anc" TINYINT,
"brachypodium_anc" TINYINT,
"hordeum_anc" TINYINT,
"musa_anc" TINYINT,
"populus_anc" TINYINT,
"vitis_anc" TINYINT,
"arabidopsis_anc" TINYINT,
"panicum_anc" TINYINT
Any hints are greatly appreciated!
Thanks - Lynn
_______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list

I will try this – thanks.
From: users-list
delChrPosGene_fullGenome <-dbGetQuery(conn,
"SELECT fg.chr,fg.pos,gt.gene_name FROM maizeFullGenome.fullgenomestable fg join maizeFullGenome.gene_from_gff gt on (fg.pos >= gt.start_pos AND fg.pos <= gt.end_pos) where gerp_score> 2 AND gerp_neutral_tree_length > 2 AND ((sift_score_a < 0.05 AND sift_score_a >= -1) OR (sift_score_c < 0.05 AND sift_score_c >=-1) OR (sift_score_g < 0.05 AND sift_score_g >=-1) OR (sift_score_t < 0.05 AND sift_score_t >=-1))") If I add the “chr” field, it fails with the message below. Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this second query?
delChrPosGene_fullGenome <-dbGetQuery(conn,
"SELECT fg.chr,fg.pos,gt.gene_name FROM maizeFullGenome.fullgenomestable fg join maizeFullGenome.gene_from_gff gt on (fg.chr = gt.chr AND fg.pos >= gt.start_pos AND fg.pos <= gt.end_pos) where gerp_score> 2 AND gerp_neutral_tree_length > 2 AND ((sift_score_a < 0.05 AND sift_score_a >= -1) OR (sift_score_c < 0.05 AND sift_score_c >=-1) OR (sift_score_g < 0.05 AND sift_score_g >=-1) OR (sift_score_t < 0.05 AND sift_score_t >=-1))") Error in .local(conn, statement, ...) : Unable to execute statement 'SELECT fg.chr,fg.pos,gt.gene_name FROM maizeFullGenome.fullgenomestable fg join maizeFullGenome.gene...'. Server says '!Object not found'. Here are the fields in the gene_from_gff table: sql>\d maizefullgenome.gene_from_gff CREATE TABLE "maizefullgenome"."gene_from_gff" ( "chr" INTEGER, "start_pos" INTEGER, "end_pos" INTEGER, "gene_name" CHARACTER LARGE OBJECT ); sql> Here are the fields in the fullgenomestable table: sql>\d maizefullgenome.fullgenomestable CREATE TABLE "maizefullgenome"."fullgenomestable" ( "chr" INTEGER, "pos" INTEGER, "ref_allele" TINYINT, "two_bp_upstream" INTEGER, "two_bp_downstream" INTEGER, "three_bp_upstream" INTEGER, "three_bp_center" INTEGER, "three_bp_downstream" INTEGER, "four_bp_upstream" INTEGER, "four_bp_downstream" INTEGER, "five_bp_upstream" INTEGER, "five_bp_center" INTEGER, "five_bp_downstream" INTEGER, "gc_content" TINYINT, "gerp_neutral_tree_length" REAL, "gerp_score" REAL, "gerp_conserved" BOOLEAN, "cmethylation" REAL, "cpg_methylation_1bk_moving_average" REAL, "chg_methylation_1bk_moving_average" REAL, "chh_methylation_1bk_moving_average" REAL, "mnase_low_minus_high_rpm_shoots" REAL, "mnase_bayes_factor_shoots" REAL, "mnase_hotspot_shoots" BOOLEAN, "mnase_low_minus_high_rpm_roots" REAL, "mnase_bayes_factor_roots" REAL, "mnase_hotspot_roots" BOOLEAN, "allele_total_depth" INTEGER, "site_presence" INTEGER, "conservedgene_presence" BOOLEAN, "minor_allele" INTEGER, "maf" REAL, "combined_site_uniqueness_score" REAL, "site_uniqueness_score_sd" REAL, "expected_invariant_site" BOOLEAN, "codon_position" TINYINT, "within_cds" BOOLEAN, "within_gene" BOOLEAN, "within_transcript" BOOLEAN, "within_exon" BOOLEAN, "within_five_prime_utr" BOOLEAN, "within_three_prime_utr" BOOLEAN, "within_mirna" BOOLEAN, "line_family" INTEGER, "sine_family" INTEGER, "ltr_family" INTEGER, "helitron" BOOLEAN, "carot_common_support_interval" TINYINT, "toco_common_support_interval" TINYINT, "orig_amino_acid_a" TINYINT, "new_amino_acid_a" TINYINT, "amino_acid_substitute_pos_a" INTEGER, "sift_score_a" REAL, "sift_median_seq_info_a" REAL, "number_seqs_at_pos_a" INTEGER, "orig_amino_acid_c" TINYINT, "new_amino_acid_c" TINYINT, "amino_acid_substitute_pos_c" INTEGER, "sift_score_c" REAL, "sift_median_seq_info_c" REAL, "number_seqs_at_pos_c" INTEGER, "orig_amino_acid_g" TINYINT, "new_amino_acid_g" TINYINT, "amino_acid_substitute_pos_g" INTEGER, "sift_score_g" REAL, "sift_median_seq_info_g" REAL, "number_seqs_at_pos_g" INTEGER, "orig_amino_acid_t" TINYINT, "new_amino_acid_t" TINYINT, "amino_acid_substitute_pos_t" INTEGER, "sift_score_t" REAL, "sift_median_seq_info_t" REAL, "number_seqs_at_pos_t" INTEGER, "b73_uniqueness_score" REAL, "cml247_uniqueness_score" REAL, "ph207_uniqueness_score" REAL, "w22_uniqueness_score" REAL, "coelorachis_anc" TINYINT, "vossia_anc" TINYINT, "sorghum_anc" TINYINT, "oryza_anc" TINYINT, "setaria_anc" TINYINT, "brachypodium_anc" TINYINT, "hordeum_anc" TINYINT, "musa_anc" TINYINT, "populus_anc" TINYINT, "vitis_anc" TINYINT, "arabidopsis_anc" TINYINT, "panicum_anc" TINYINT ); sql> Any hints are greatly appreciated! Thanks - Lynn _______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.orgmailto:users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list

also wonder if the "maizefullgenomeDOT" structure is causing some weird
trouble? maybe also try
CREATE TABLE new_table1 AS SELECT * FROM maizeFullGenome.fullgenomestable
CREATE TABLE new_table2 AS SELECT * FROM maizeFullGenome.gene_from_gff WITH
and then re-run your command on new_table1 and new_table2? the problem is
not obvious :)
On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 3:51 PM, Lynn Carol Johnson
I will try this – thanks.
From: users-list
on behalf of Anthony Damico Reply-To: Communication channel for MonetDB users Date: Monday, February 8, 2016 at 3:48 PM To: Communication channel for MonetDB users Subject: Re: sql query failure question what happens if you use
SELECT gt.chr instead of SELECT fg.chr ?
what happens if you add more parentheses all over the place? for example
(( fg.chr = gt.chr ) AND ( fg.pos >= gt.start_pos ) AND ( fg.pos <= gt.end_pos) )
instead of
(fg.chr = gt.chr AND fg.pos >= gt.start_pos AND fg.pos <= gt.end_pos)
On Mon, Feb 8, 2016 at 3:36 PM, Lynn Carol Johnson
wrote: Hi all -
I’m going nuts trying to determine why a monetdb SQL query does not work. I am trying to pull data from 2 tables. These tables are in the DB as shown here:
TABLE maizefullgenome.fullgenomegff
TABLE maizefullgenome.fullgenomestable
TABLE maizefullgenome.gene_from_gff
TABLE maizefullgenome.ranges_from_gff
If I join only on the “pos” field, the query executes. Here is that query:
delChrPosGene_fullGenome <-dbGetQuery(conn,
"SELECT fg.chr,fg.pos,gt.gene_name FROM maizeFullGenome.fullgenomestable fg
join maizeFullGenome.gene_from_gff gt on (fg.pos >= gt.start_pos AND fg.pos <= gt.end_pos)
where gerp_score> 2 AND gerp_neutral_tree_length > 2
AND ((sift_score_a < 0.05 AND sift_score_a >= -1)
OR (sift_score_c < 0.05 AND sift_score_c >=-1)
OR (sift_score_g < 0.05 AND sift_score_g >=-1)
OR (sift_score_t < 0.05 AND sift_score_t >=-1))")
If I add the “chr” field, it fails with the message below. Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this second query?
delChrPosGene_fullGenome <-dbGetQuery(conn,
"SELECT fg.chr,fg.pos,gt.gene_name FROM maizeFullGenome.fullgenomestable fg
join maizeFullGenome.gene_from_gff gt on (fg.chr = gt.chr AND fg.pos >= gt.start_pos AND fg.pos <= gt.end_pos)
where gerp_score> 2 AND gerp_neutral_tree_length > 2
AND ((sift_score_a < 0.05 AND sift_score_a >= -1)
OR (sift_score_c < 0.05 AND sift_score_c >=-1)
OR (sift_score_g < 0.05 AND sift_score_g >=-1)
OR (sift_score_t < 0.05 AND sift_score_t >=-1))")
Error in .local(conn, statement, ...) :
Unable to execute statement 'SELECT fg.chr,fg.pos,gt.gene_name FROM maizeFullGenome.fullgenomestable fg join maizeFullGenome.gene...'.
Server says '!Object not found'.
Here are the fields in the gene_from_gff table:
sql>\d maizefullgenome.gene_from_gff
CREATE TABLE "maizefullgenome"."gene_from_gff" (
"chr" INTEGER,
"start_pos" INTEGER,
"end_pos" INTEGER,
sql> Here are the fields in the fullgenomestable table:
sql>\d maizefullgenome.fullgenomestable
CREATE TABLE "maizefullgenome"."fullgenomestable" (
"chr" INTEGER,
"pos" INTEGER,
"ref_allele" TINYINT,
"two_bp_upstream" INTEGER,
"two_bp_downstream" INTEGER,
"three_bp_upstream" INTEGER,
"three_bp_center" INTEGER,
"three_bp_downstream" INTEGER,
"four_bp_upstream" INTEGER,
"four_bp_downstream" INTEGER,
"five_bp_upstream" INTEGER,
"five_bp_center" INTEGER,
"five_bp_downstream" INTEGER,
"gc_content" TINYINT,
"gerp_neutral_tree_length" REAL,
"gerp_score" REAL,
"gerp_conserved" BOOLEAN,
"cmethylation" REAL,
"cpg_methylation_1bk_moving_average" REAL,
"chg_methylation_1bk_moving_average" REAL,
"chh_methylation_1bk_moving_average" REAL,
"mnase_low_minus_high_rpm_shoots" REAL,
"mnase_bayes_factor_shoots" REAL,
"mnase_hotspot_shoots" BOOLEAN,
"mnase_low_minus_high_rpm_roots" REAL,
"mnase_bayes_factor_roots" REAL,
"mnase_hotspot_roots" BOOLEAN,
"allele_total_depth" INTEGER,
"site_presence" INTEGER,
"conservedgene_presence" BOOLEAN,
"minor_allele" INTEGER,
"maf" REAL,
"combined_site_uniqueness_score" REAL,
"site_uniqueness_score_sd" REAL,
"expected_invariant_site" BOOLEAN,
"codon_position" TINYINT,
"within_cds" BOOLEAN,
"within_gene" BOOLEAN,
"within_transcript" BOOLEAN,
"within_exon" BOOLEAN,
"within_five_prime_utr" BOOLEAN,
"within_three_prime_utr" BOOLEAN,
"within_mirna" BOOLEAN,
"line_family" INTEGER,
"sine_family" INTEGER,
"ltr_family" INTEGER,
"helitron" BOOLEAN,
"carot_common_support_interval" TINYINT,
"toco_common_support_interval" TINYINT,
"orig_amino_acid_a" TINYINT,
"new_amino_acid_a" TINYINT,
"amino_acid_substitute_pos_a" INTEGER,
"sift_score_a" REAL,
"sift_median_seq_info_a" REAL,
"number_seqs_at_pos_a" INTEGER,
"orig_amino_acid_c" TINYINT,
"new_amino_acid_c" TINYINT,
"amino_acid_substitute_pos_c" INTEGER,
"sift_score_c" REAL,
"sift_median_seq_info_c" REAL,
"number_seqs_at_pos_c" INTEGER,
"orig_amino_acid_g" TINYINT,
"new_amino_acid_g" TINYINT,
"amino_acid_substitute_pos_g" INTEGER,
"sift_score_g" REAL,
"sift_median_seq_info_g" REAL,
"number_seqs_at_pos_g" INTEGER,
"orig_amino_acid_t" TINYINT,
"new_amino_acid_t" TINYINT,
"amino_acid_substitute_pos_t" INTEGER,
"sift_score_t" REAL,
"sift_median_seq_info_t" REAL,
"number_seqs_at_pos_t" INTEGER,
"b73_uniqueness_score" REAL,
"cml247_uniqueness_score" REAL,
"ph207_uniqueness_score" REAL,
"w22_uniqueness_score" REAL,
"coelorachis_anc" TINYINT,
"vossia_anc" TINYINT,
"sorghum_anc" TINYINT,
"oryza_anc" TINYINT,
"setaria_anc" TINYINT,
"brachypodium_anc" TINYINT,
"hordeum_anc" TINYINT,
"musa_anc" TINYINT,
"populus_anc" TINYINT,
"vitis_anc" TINYINT,
"arabidopsis_anc" TINYINT,
"panicum_anc" TINYINT
Any hints are greatly appreciated!
Thanks - Lynn
_______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list
_______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list

Hi, appears to work fine on empty tables (see below). We might need some data to reproduce the problem. Best, Stefan ======== sql>SELECT fg.chr,fg.pos,gt.gene_name FROM fullgenomestable fg more>join gene_from_gff gt on (fg.pos >= gt.start_pos AND fg.pos <= gt.end_pos) more>where gerp_score> 2 AND gerp_neutral_tree_length > 2 more>AND ((sift_score_a < 0.05 AND sift_score_a >= -1) more>OR (sift_score_c < 0.05 AND sift_score_c >=-1) more>OR (sift_score_g < 0.05 AND sift_score_g >=-1) more>OR (sift_score_t < 0.05 AND sift_score_t >=-1)); +-----+-----+-----------+ | chr | pos | gene_name | +=====+=====+===========+ +-----+-----+-----------+ 0 tuples (5.759ms) sql>SELECT fg.chr,fg.pos,gt.gene_name FROM fullgenomestable fg more>join gene_from_gff gt on (fg.chr = gt.chr AND fg.pos >= gt.start_pos AND fg.pos <= gt.end_pos) more>where gerp_score> 2 AND gerp_neutral_tree_length > 2 more>AND ((sift_score_a < 0.05 AND sift_score_a >= -1) more>OR (sift_score_c < 0.05 AND sift_score_c >=-1) more>OR (sift_score_g < 0.05 AND sift_score_g >=-1) more>OR (sift_score_t < 0.05 AND sift_score_t >=-1)); +-----+-----+-----------+ | chr | pos | gene_name | +=====+=====+===========+ +-----+-----+-----------+ 0 tuples (13.054ms) ======== ----- On Feb 8, 2016, at 9:36 PM, Lynn Carol Johnson lcj34@cornell.edu wrote:
Hi all -
I’m going nuts trying to determine why a monetdb SQL query does not work. I am trying to pull data from 2 tables. These tables are in the DB as shown here:
TABLE maizefullgenome.fullgenomegff
TABLE maizefullgenome.fullgenomestable
TABLE maizefullgenome.gene_from_gff
TABLE maizefullgenome.ranges_from_gff
If I join only on the “pos” field, the query executes. Here is that query:
delChrPosGene_fullGenome <-dbGetQuery(conn,
"SELECT fg.chr,fg.pos,gt.gene_name FROM maizeFullGenome.fullgenomestable fg
join maizeFullGenome.gene_from_gff gt on (fg.pos >= gt.start_pos AND fg.pos <= gt.end_pos)
where gerp_score> 2 AND gerp_neutral_tree_length > 2
AND ((sift_score_a < 0.05 AND sift_score_a >= -1)
OR (sift_score_c < 0.05 AND sift_score_c >=-1)
OR (sift_score_g < 0.05 AND sift_score_g >=-1)
OR (sift_score_t < 0.05 AND sift_score_t >=-1))")
If I add the “chr” field, it fails with the message below. Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this second query?
delChrPosGene_fullGenome <-dbGetQuery(conn,
"SELECT fg.chr,fg.pos,gt.gene_name FROM maizeFullGenome.fullgenomestable fg
join maizeFullGenome.gene_from_gff gt on (fg.chr = gt.chr AND fg.pos >= gt.start_pos AND fg.pos <= gt.end_pos)
where gerp_score> 2 AND gerp_neutral_tree_length > 2
AND ( (sift_score_a < 0.05 AND sift_score_a >= -1)
OR (sift_score_c < 0.05 AND sift_score_c >=-1)
OR (sift_score_g < 0.05 AND sift_score_g >=-1)
OR (sift_score_t < 0.05 AND sift_score_t >=-1) ) ")
Error in .local(conn, statement, ...) :
Unable to execute statement 'SELECT fg.chr,fg.pos,gt.gene_name FROM maizeFullGenome.fullgenomestable fg join maizeFullGenome.gene...'.
Server says '!Object not found'.
Here are the fields in the gene_from_gff table:
sql>\d maizefullgenome.gene_from_gff
CREATE TABLE "maizefullgenome"."gene_from_gff" (
"chr" INTEGER,
"start_pos" INTEGER,
"end_pos" INTEGER,
sql> Here are the fields in the fullgenomestable table:
sql>\d maizefullgenome.fullgenomestable
CREATE TABLE "maizefullgenome"."fullgenomestable" (
"chr" INTEGER,
"pos" INTEGER,
"ref_allele" TINYINT,
"two_bp_upstream" INTEGER,
"two_bp_downstream" INTEGER,
"three_bp_upstream" INTEGER,
"three_bp_center" INTEGER,
"three_bp_downstream" INTEGER,
"four_bp_upstream" INTEGER,
"four_bp_downstream" INTEGER,
"five_bp_upstream" INTEGER,
"five_bp_center" INTEGER,
"five_bp_downstream" INTEGER,
"gc_content" TINYINT,
"gerp_neutral_tree_length" REAL,
"gerp_score" REAL,
"gerp_conserved" BOOLEAN,
"cmethylation" REAL,
"cpg_methylation_1bk_moving_average" REAL,
"chg_methylation_1bk_moving_average" REAL,
"chh_methylation_1bk_moving_average" REAL,
"mnase_low_minus_high_rpm_shoots" REAL,
"mnase_bayes_factor_shoots" REAL,
"mnase_hotspot_shoots" BOOLEAN,
"mnase_low_minus_high_rpm_roots" REAL,
"mnase_bayes_factor_roots" REAL,
"mnase_hotspot_roots" BOOLEAN,
"allele_total_depth" INTEGER,
"site_presence" INTEGER,
"conservedgene_presence" BOOLEAN,
"minor_allele" INTEGER,
"maf" REAL,
"combined_site_uniqueness_score" REAL,
"site_uniqueness_score_sd" REAL,
"expected_invariant_site" BOOLEAN,
"codon_position" TINYINT,
"within_cds" BOOLEAN,
"within_gene" BOOLEAN,
"within_transcript" BOOLEAN,
"within_exon" BOOLEAN,
"within_five_prime_utr" BOOLEAN,
"within_three_prime_utr" BOOLEAN,
"within_mirna" BOOLEAN,
"line_family" INTEGER,
"sine_family" INTEGER,
"ltr_family" INTEGER,
"helitron" BOOLEAN,
"carot_common_support_interval" TINYINT,
"toco_common_support_interval" TINYINT,
"orig_amino_acid_a" TINYINT,
"new_amino_acid_a" TINYINT,
"amino_acid_substitute_pos_a" INTEGER,
"sift_score_a" REAL,
"sift_median_seq_info_a" REAL,
"number_seqs_at_pos_a" INTEGER,
"orig_amino_acid_c" TINYINT,
"new_amino_acid_c" TINYINT,
"amino_acid_substitute_pos_c" INTEGER,
"sift_score_c" REAL,
"sift_median_seq_info_c" REAL,
"number_seqs_at_pos_c" INTEGER,
"orig_amino_acid_g" TINYINT,
"new_amino_acid_g" TINYINT,
"amino_acid_substitute_pos_g" INTEGER,
"sift_score_g" REAL,
"sift_median_seq_info_g" REAL,
"number_seqs_at_pos_g" INTEGER,
"orig_amino_acid_t" TINYINT,
"new_amino_acid_t" TINYINT,
"amino_acid_substitute_pos_t" INTEGER,
"sift_score_t" REAL,
"sift_median_seq_info_t" REAL,
"number_seqs_at_pos_t" INTEGER,
"b73_uniqueness_score" REAL,
"cml247_uniqueness_score" REAL,
"ph207_uniqueness_score" REAL,
"w22_uniqueness_score" REAL,
"coelorachis_anc" TINYINT,
"vossia_anc" TINYINT,
"sorghum_anc" TINYINT,
"oryza_anc" TINYINT,
"setaria_anc" TINYINT,
"brachypodium_anc" TINYINT,
"hordeum_anc" TINYINT,
"musa_anc" TINYINT,
"populus_anc" TINYINT,
"vitis_anc" TINYINT,
"arabidopsis_anc" TINYINT,
"panicum_anc" TINYINT
Any hints are greatly appreciated!
Thanks - Lynn
_______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list
-- | Stefan.Manegold@CWI.nl | DB Architectures (DA) | | www.CWI.nl/~manegold/ | Science Park 123 (L321) | | +31 (0)20 592-4212 | 1098 XG Amsterdam (NL) |

Thanks, Stefan and Anthony:
I am running these queries through R-Studio. Other queries from R have
not had a problem. The tables are big - here are the sizes ( yes, that is
over 2 billion!):
sql>select count(*) from maizefullgenome.fullgenomestable;
| L1 |
| 2059943587 |
1 tuple (31.855ms)
sql>select count(*) from maizefullgenome.gene_from_gff;
| L1 |
| 39149 |
1 tuple (1.858ms)
Could table size be part of the problem? I get the data I need if I DON¹T
include the ³join², but I need that to get the gene name for each
conserved position. Is there a more efficient way to ³join²?
I am currently running with gt.chr (instead of fg.chr) and with more
parens as suggested. It takes this query some time to finish (or barf) -
around 45 minutes, so I can¹t yet tell if these suggestions have worked.
If I can¹t get it working, I will see if I can create a smaller dataset.
On 2/8/16, 3:48 PM, "users-list on behalf of Stefan Manegold"
appears to work fine on empty tables (see below).
We might need some data to reproduce the problem.
Best, Stefan
======== sql>SELECT fg.chr,fg.pos,gt.gene_name FROM fullgenomestable fg more>join gene_from_gff gt on (fg.pos >= gt.start_pos AND fg.pos <= gt.end_pos) more>where gerp_score> 2 AND gerp_neutral_tree_length > 2 more>AND ((sift_score_a < 0.05 AND sift_score_a >= -1) more>OR (sift_score_c < 0.05 AND sift_score_c >=-1) more>OR (sift_score_g < 0.05 AND sift_score_g >=-1) more>OR (sift_score_t < 0.05 AND sift_score_t >=-1)); +-----+-----+-----------+ | chr | pos | gene_name | +=====+=====+===========+ +-----+-----+-----------+ 0 tuples (5.759ms) sql>SELECT fg.chr,fg.pos,gt.gene_name FROM fullgenomestable fg more>join gene_from_gff gt on (fg.chr = gt.chr AND fg.pos >= gt.start_pos AND fg.pos <= gt.end_pos) more>where gerp_score> 2 AND gerp_neutral_tree_length > 2 more>AND ((sift_score_a < 0.05 AND sift_score_a >= -1) more>OR (sift_score_c < 0.05 AND sift_score_c >=-1) more>OR (sift_score_g < 0.05 AND sift_score_g >=-1) more>OR (sift_score_t < 0.05 AND sift_score_t >=-1)); +-----+-----+-----------+ | chr | pos | gene_name | +=====+=====+===========+ +-----+-----+-----------+ 0 tuples (13.054ms) ========
----- On Feb 8, 2016, at 9:36 PM, Lynn Carol Johnson lcj34@cornell.edu wrote:
Hi all -
I¹m going nuts trying to determine why a monetdb SQL query does not work. I am trying to pull data from 2 tables. These tables are in the DB as shown here:
TABLE maizefullgenome.fullgenomegff
TABLE maizefullgenome.fullgenomestable
TABLE maizefullgenome.gene_from_gff
TABLE maizefullgenome.ranges_from_gff
If I join only on the ³pos² field, the query executes. Here is that query:
delChrPosGene_fullGenome <-dbGetQuery(conn,
"SELECT fg.chr,fg.pos,gt.gene_name FROM maizeFullGenome.fullgenomestable fg
join maizeFullGenome.gene_from_gff gt on (fg.pos >= gt.start_pos AND fg.pos <= gt.end_pos)
where gerp_score> 2 AND gerp_neutral_tree_length > 2
AND ((sift_score_a < 0.05 AND sift_score_a >= -1)
OR (sift_score_c < 0.05 AND sift_score_c >=-1)
OR (sift_score_g < 0.05 AND sift_score_g >=-1)
OR (sift_score_t < 0.05 AND sift_score_t >=-1))")
If I add the ³chr² field, it fails with the message below. Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this second query?
delChrPosGene_fullGenome <-dbGetQuery(conn,
"SELECT fg.chr,fg.pos,gt.gene_name FROM maizeFullGenome.fullgenomestable fg
join maizeFullGenome.gene_from_gff gt on (fg.chr = gt.chr AND fg.pos >= gt.start_pos AND fg.pos <= gt.end_pos)
where gerp_score> 2 AND gerp_neutral_tree_length > 2
AND ( (sift_score_a < 0.05 AND sift_score_a >= -1)
OR (sift_score_c < 0.05 AND sift_score_c >=-1)
OR (sift_score_g < 0.05 AND sift_score_g >=-1)
OR (sift_score_t < 0.05 AND sift_score_t >=-1) ) ")
Error in .local(conn, statement, ...) :
Unable to execute statement 'SELECT fg.chr,fg.pos,gt.gene_name FROM maizeFullGenome.fullgenomestable fg join maizeFullGenome.gene...'.
Server says '!Object not found'.
Here are the fields in the gene_from_gff table:
sql>\d maizefullgenome.gene_from_gff
CREATE TABLE "maizefullgenome"."gene_from_gff" (
"chr" INTEGER,
"start_pos" INTEGER,
"end_pos" INTEGER,
sql> Here are the fields in the fullgenomestable table:
sql>\d maizefullgenome.fullgenomestable
CREATE TABLE "maizefullgenome"."fullgenomestable" (
"chr" INTEGER,
"pos" INTEGER,
"ref_allele" TINYINT,
"two_bp_upstream" INTEGER,
"two_bp_downstream" INTEGER,
"three_bp_upstream" INTEGER,
"three_bp_center" INTEGER,
"three_bp_downstream" INTEGER,
"four_bp_upstream" INTEGER,
"four_bp_downstream" INTEGER,
"five_bp_upstream" INTEGER,
"five_bp_center" INTEGER,
"five_bp_downstream" INTEGER,
"gc_content" TINYINT,
"gerp_neutral_tree_length" REAL,
"gerp_score" REAL,
"gerp_conserved" BOOLEAN,
"cmethylation" REAL,
"cpg_methylation_1bk_moving_average" REAL,
"chg_methylation_1bk_moving_average" REAL,
"chh_methylation_1bk_moving_average" REAL,
"mnase_low_minus_high_rpm_shoots" REAL,
"mnase_bayes_factor_shoots" REAL,
"mnase_hotspot_shoots" BOOLEAN,
"mnase_low_minus_high_rpm_roots" REAL,
"mnase_bayes_factor_roots" REAL,
"mnase_hotspot_roots" BOOLEAN,
"allele_total_depth" INTEGER,
"site_presence" INTEGER,
"conservedgene_presence" BOOLEAN,
"minor_allele" INTEGER,
"maf" REAL,
"combined_site_uniqueness_score" REAL,
"site_uniqueness_score_sd" REAL,
"expected_invariant_site" BOOLEAN,
"codon_position" TINYINT,
"within_cds" BOOLEAN,
"within_gene" BOOLEAN,
"within_transcript" BOOLEAN,
"within_exon" BOOLEAN,
"within_five_prime_utr" BOOLEAN,
"within_three_prime_utr" BOOLEAN,
"within_mirna" BOOLEAN,
"line_family" INTEGER,
"sine_family" INTEGER,
"ltr_family" INTEGER,
"helitron" BOOLEAN,
"carot_common_support_interval" TINYINT,
"toco_common_support_interval" TINYINT,
"orig_amino_acid_a" TINYINT,
"new_amino_acid_a" TINYINT,
"amino_acid_substitute_pos_a" INTEGER,
"sift_score_a" REAL,
"sift_median_seq_info_a" REAL,
"number_seqs_at_pos_a" INTEGER,
"orig_amino_acid_c" TINYINT,
"new_amino_acid_c" TINYINT,
"amino_acid_substitute_pos_c" INTEGER,
"sift_score_c" REAL,
"sift_median_seq_info_c" REAL,
"number_seqs_at_pos_c" INTEGER,
"orig_amino_acid_g" TINYINT,
"new_amino_acid_g" TINYINT,
"amino_acid_substitute_pos_g" INTEGER,
"sift_score_g" REAL,
"sift_median_seq_info_g" REAL,
"number_seqs_at_pos_g" INTEGER,
"orig_amino_acid_t" TINYINT,
"new_amino_acid_t" TINYINT,
"amino_acid_substitute_pos_t" INTEGER,
"sift_score_t" REAL,
"sift_median_seq_info_t" REAL,
"number_seqs_at_pos_t" INTEGER,
"b73_uniqueness_score" REAL,
"cml247_uniqueness_score" REAL,
"ph207_uniqueness_score" REAL,
"w22_uniqueness_score" REAL,
"coelorachis_anc" TINYINT,
"vossia_anc" TINYINT,
"sorghum_anc" TINYINT,
"oryza_anc" TINYINT,
"setaria_anc" TINYINT,
"brachypodium_anc" TINYINT,
"hordeum_anc" TINYINT,
"musa_anc" TINYINT,
"populus_anc" TINYINT,
"vitis_anc" TINYINT,
"arabidopsis_anc" TINYINT,
"panicum_anc" TINYINT
Any hints are greatly appreciated!
Thanks - Lynn
_______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list
-- | Stefan.Manegold@CWI.nl | DB Architectures (DA) | | www.CWI.nl/~manegold/ | Science Park 123 (L321) | | +31 (0)20 592-4212 | 1098 XG Amsterdam (NL) | _______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list

It looks like there was a problem with my gene_from_gff table. While I had
no issue doing individual selects from it, it didn’t work in the query
I have another table with the same (and additional) information and I
switched to it for the join. The revised query below is now working when
sent from R-Studio on a smaller dataset. Still having some problems with
the 2Billion dataset through R, but I think it is an R issue with size.
testChrPosGene_fullGenome <-dbGetQuery(conn,"SELECT fg.chr,fg.pos,rt.value
FROM maizeFullGenome.fullGenomestable fg join
maizeFullGenome.ranges_from_gff rt on (fg.chr = rt.chr AND (fg.pos >=
rt.start_pos AND fg.pos <= rt.end_pos) AND rt.unit_type='Gene') where
gerp_score> 2 AND gerp_neutral_tree_length > 2 AND ((sift_score_a < 0.05
AND sift_score_a >= -1) OR (sift_score_c < 0.05 AND sift_score_c >= -1) OR
(sift_score_g < 0.05 AND sift_score_g >= -1) OR (sift_score_t < 0.05 AND
sift_score_t >= -1))”)
Thanks for your help and suggestions!
On 2/8/16, 4:08 PM, "users-list on behalf of Lynn Carol Johnson"
Thanks, Stefan and Anthony:
I am running these queries through R-Studio. Other queries from R have not had a problem. The tables are big - here are the sizes ( yes, that is over 2 billion!):
sql>select count(*) from maizefullgenome.fullgenomestable; +------------+ | L1 | +============+ | 2059943587 | +------------+ 1 tuple (31.855ms) sql>select count(*) from maizefullgenome.gene_from_gff; +-------+ | L1 | +=======+ | 39149 | +-------+ 1 tuple (1.858ms) sql>
Could table size be part of the problem? I get the data I need if I DON¹T include the ³join², but I need that to get the gene name for each conserved position. Is there a more efficient way to ³join²?
I am currently running with gt.chr (instead of fg.chr) and with more parens as suggested. It takes this query some time to finish (or barf) - around 45 minutes, so I can¹t yet tell if these suggestions have worked.
If I can¹t get it working, I will see if I can create a smaller dataset.
On 2/8/16, 3:48 PM, "users-list on behalf of Stefan Manegold"
wrote: Hi,
appears to work fine on empty tables (see below).
We might need some data to reproduce the problem.
Best, Stefan
======== sql>SELECT fg.chr,fg.pos,gt.gene_name FROM fullgenomestable fg more>join gene_from_gff gt on (fg.pos >= gt.start_pos AND fg.pos <= gt.end_pos) more>where gerp_score> 2 AND gerp_neutral_tree_length > 2 more>AND ((sift_score_a < 0.05 AND sift_score_a >= -1) more>OR (sift_score_c < 0.05 AND sift_score_c >=-1) more>OR (sift_score_g < 0.05 AND sift_score_g >=-1) more>OR (sift_score_t < 0.05 AND sift_score_t >=-1)); +-----+-----+-----------+ | chr | pos | gene_name | +=====+=====+===========+ +-----+-----+-----------+ 0 tuples (5.759ms) sql>SELECT fg.chr,fg.pos,gt.gene_name FROM fullgenomestable fg more>join gene_from_gff gt on (fg.chr = gt.chr AND fg.pos >= gt.start_pos AND fg.pos <= gt.end_pos) more>where gerp_score> 2 AND gerp_neutral_tree_length > 2 more>AND ((sift_score_a < 0.05 AND sift_score_a >= -1) more>OR (sift_score_c < 0.05 AND sift_score_c >=-1) more>OR (sift_score_g < 0.05 AND sift_score_g >=-1) more>OR (sift_score_t < 0.05 AND sift_score_t >=-1)); +-----+-----+-----------+ | chr | pos | gene_name | +=====+=====+===========+ +-----+-----+-----------+ 0 tuples (13.054ms) ========
----- On Feb 8, 2016, at 9:36 PM, Lynn Carol Johnson lcj34@cornell.edu wrote:
Hi all -
I¹m going nuts trying to determine why a monetdb SQL query does not work. I am trying to pull data from 2 tables. These tables are in the DB as shown here:
TABLE maizefullgenome.fullgenomegff
TABLE maizefullgenome.fullgenomestable
TABLE maizefullgenome.gene_from_gff
TABLE maizefullgenome.ranges_from_gff
If I join only on the ³pos² field, the query executes. Here is that query:
delChrPosGene_fullGenome <-dbGetQuery(conn,
"SELECT fg.chr,fg.pos,gt.gene_name FROM maizeFullGenome.fullgenomestable fg
join maizeFullGenome.gene_from_gff gt on (fg.pos >= gt.start_pos AND fg.pos <= gt.end_pos)
where gerp_score> 2 AND gerp_neutral_tree_length > 2
AND ((sift_score_a < 0.05 AND sift_score_a >= -1)
OR (sift_score_c < 0.05 AND sift_score_c >=-1)
OR (sift_score_g < 0.05 AND sift_score_g >=-1)
OR (sift_score_t < 0.05 AND sift_score_t >=-1))")
If I add the ³chr² field, it fails with the message below. Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this second query?
delChrPosGene_fullGenome <-dbGetQuery(conn,
"SELECT fg.chr,fg.pos,gt.gene_name FROM maizeFullGenome.fullgenomestable fg
join maizeFullGenome.gene_from_gff gt on (fg.chr = gt.chr AND fg.pos >= gt.start_pos AND fg.pos <= gt.end_pos)
where gerp_score> 2 AND gerp_neutral_tree_length > 2
AND ( (sift_score_a < 0.05 AND sift_score_a >= -1)
OR (sift_score_c < 0.05 AND sift_score_c >=-1)
OR (sift_score_g < 0.05 AND sift_score_g >=-1)
OR (sift_score_t < 0.05 AND sift_score_t >=-1) ) ")
Error in .local(conn, statement, ...) :
Unable to execute statement 'SELECT fg.chr,fg.pos,gt.gene_name FROM maizeFullGenome.fullgenomestable fg join maizeFullGenome.gene...'.
Server says '!Object not found'.
Here are the fields in the gene_from_gff table:
sql>\d maizefullgenome.gene_from_gff
CREATE TABLE "maizefullgenome"."gene_from_gff" (
"chr" INTEGER,
"start_pos" INTEGER,
"end_pos" INTEGER,
sql> Here are the fields in the fullgenomestable table:
sql>\d maizefullgenome.fullgenomestable
CREATE TABLE "maizefullgenome"."fullgenomestable" (
"chr" INTEGER,
"pos" INTEGER,
"ref_allele" TINYINT,
"two_bp_upstream" INTEGER,
"two_bp_downstream" INTEGER,
"three_bp_upstream" INTEGER,
"three_bp_center" INTEGER,
"three_bp_downstream" INTEGER,
"four_bp_upstream" INTEGER,
"four_bp_downstream" INTEGER,
"five_bp_upstream" INTEGER,
"five_bp_center" INTEGER,
"five_bp_downstream" INTEGER,
"gc_content" TINYINT,
"gerp_neutral_tree_length" REAL,
"gerp_score" REAL,
"gerp_conserved" BOOLEAN,
"cmethylation" REAL,
"cpg_methylation_1bk_moving_average" REAL,
"chg_methylation_1bk_moving_average" REAL,
"chh_methylation_1bk_moving_average" REAL,
"mnase_low_minus_high_rpm_shoots" REAL,
"mnase_bayes_factor_shoots" REAL,
"mnase_hotspot_shoots" BOOLEAN,
"mnase_low_minus_high_rpm_roots" REAL,
"mnase_bayes_factor_roots" REAL,
"mnase_hotspot_roots" BOOLEAN,
"allele_total_depth" INTEGER,
"site_presence" INTEGER,
"conservedgene_presence" BOOLEAN,
"minor_allele" INTEGER,
"maf" REAL,
"combined_site_uniqueness_score" REAL,
"site_uniqueness_score_sd" REAL,
"expected_invariant_site" BOOLEAN,
"codon_position" TINYINT,
"within_cds" BOOLEAN,
"within_gene" BOOLEAN,
"within_transcript" BOOLEAN,
"within_exon" BOOLEAN,
"within_five_prime_utr" BOOLEAN,
"within_three_prime_utr" BOOLEAN,
"within_mirna" BOOLEAN,
"line_family" INTEGER,
"sine_family" INTEGER,
"ltr_family" INTEGER,
"helitron" BOOLEAN,
"carot_common_support_interval" TINYINT,
"toco_common_support_interval" TINYINT,
"orig_amino_acid_a" TINYINT,
"new_amino_acid_a" TINYINT,
"amino_acid_substitute_pos_a" INTEGER,
"sift_score_a" REAL,
"sift_median_seq_info_a" REAL,
"number_seqs_at_pos_a" INTEGER,
"orig_amino_acid_c" TINYINT,
"new_amino_acid_c" TINYINT,
"amino_acid_substitute_pos_c" INTEGER,
"sift_score_c" REAL,
"sift_median_seq_info_c" REAL,
"number_seqs_at_pos_c" INTEGER,
"orig_amino_acid_g" TINYINT,
"new_amino_acid_g" TINYINT,
"amino_acid_substitute_pos_g" INTEGER,
"sift_score_g" REAL,
"sift_median_seq_info_g" REAL,
"number_seqs_at_pos_g" INTEGER,
"orig_amino_acid_t" TINYINT,
"new_amino_acid_t" TINYINT,
"amino_acid_substitute_pos_t" INTEGER,
"sift_score_t" REAL,
"sift_median_seq_info_t" REAL,
"number_seqs_at_pos_t" INTEGER,
"b73_uniqueness_score" REAL,
"cml247_uniqueness_score" REAL,
"ph207_uniqueness_score" REAL,
"w22_uniqueness_score" REAL,
"coelorachis_anc" TINYINT,
"vossia_anc" TINYINT,
"sorghum_anc" TINYINT,
"oryza_anc" TINYINT,
"setaria_anc" TINYINT,
"brachypodium_anc" TINYINT,
"hordeum_anc" TINYINT,
"musa_anc" TINYINT,
"populus_anc" TINYINT,
"vitis_anc" TINYINT,
"arabidopsis_anc" TINYINT,
"panicum_anc" TINYINT
Any hints are greatly appreciated!
Thanks - Lynn
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-- | Stefan.Manegold@CWI.nl | DB Architectures (DA) | | www.CWI.nl/~manegold/ | Science Park 123 (L321) | | +31 (0)20 592-4212 | 1098 XG Amsterdam (NL) | _______________________________________________ users-list mailing list users-list@monetdb.org https://www.monetdb.org/mailman/listinfo/users-list
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participants (3)
Anthony Damico
Lynn Carol Johnson
Stefan Manegold