[MonetDB-users] packages for YUM (fedora 5) and PORT (os x intel)?

Hi, I would like to use Monet DB, however the RPMs provided on your webpage don't seem to work for Fedora Core 5. Despite having these libraries installed, rpm -Uvh and rpm -ivh tell me that libMapi, libalgebra, lib_arith, etc. are needed by MonetDB-QL-server-2.12.0-1.x86_64.rpm. (I have AMD 64). Could someone please provide a yum repository so users can' install monetdb just by doing the following: sudo yum install monetdb I don't have an immediate need for a darwin-ports distribution, but it will be very helpful for those who would like to try monetdb on osx. Thanks

Dear Shahbaz, thank you very much for your interest in MonetDB! On Thu, Sep 14, 2006 at 11:22:56PM -0400, Shahbaz wrote:
Hi, I would like to use Monet DB, however the RPMs provided on your webpage don't seem to work for Fedora Core 5. Despite having these libraries installed, rpm -Uvh and rpm -ivh tell me that libMapi, libalgebra, lib_arith, etc. are needed by MonetDB-QL-server-2.12.0-1.x86_64.rpm. (I have AMD 64).
As the release notes for MonetDB/SQL (the SQL front-end for MonetDB) (http://sourceforge.net/project/shownotes.php?release_id=427010&group_id=56967) say, the RPMs have been produces on (and hence primarily for) Fedora Core 4; then *might* work on Fedora Core 5, too. However, as the release notes state as well, the MonetDB-SQL*-2.12.0-1.*.rpm requires that (at least) the MonetDB RPMs MonetDB-server-4.12.0-1.*.rpm and MonetDB-client-4.12.0-1.*.rpm are installed as well. Hence, please try to download (http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=56967&package_id=52344&release_id=427002) and install these MonetDB back-end RPMs before installing the MonetDB/SQL front-end RPMs. Please let us know, whether this works or not.
Could someone please provide a yum repository so users can' install monetdb just by doing the following: sudo yum install monetdb
we are indeed planning to "eventually" provide a yum repository; however, we haven't had the time/resources to to so, yet. Hence, for the time being, you have to download and install the RPMs by hand. Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.
I don't have an immediate need for a darwin-ports distribution, but it will be very helpful for those who would like to try monetdb on osx.
We do test (and hence support) MonetDB on MacOS X on PowerPC (cf., http://monetdb.cwi.nl/Development/TestWeb/Platforms/). (At least for now) the only way to install it is by compilation from the source code/distribution, only. To be honest, no being a MacOS X expert, I would no now, what the MacOS X pendant of RPM would be, and how to create the respective binary packages; any help/advice is more than welcome! Lacking (access to) a respective machine, we cannot test/support MonetDB on MacOS X on Intel, yet --- any support, i.e., providing (remote access to) a respective machine, is more than welcome ;-) However, there have been reports that installing MonetDB from source on MacOS X on Intel work fine. Kind regards, Stefan
-- | Dr. Stefan Manegold | mailto:Stefan.Manegold@cwi.nl | | CWI, P.O.Box 94079 | http://www.cwi.nl/~manegold/ | | 1090 GB Amsterdam | Tel.: +31 (20) 592-4212 | | The Netherlands | Fax : +31 (20) 592-4312 |
participants (2)
Stefan Manegold