[MonetDB-users] Apache (on Unix) is a pre-forking model server.
H_E_R*E WE GO AGAIN*! T_H'E B,I'G O_N.E BE_FORE T,H*E SEPTEMBER..*RALLY! T'H+E MARK'ET IS A,BOUT TO P-O P., A_N.D SO IS E'X'M T-! F.irm: EXCH.AN+GE M.OBILE T'E.L'E (Oth-er O*T*C': EXMT.PK') Tick,: E'X,M*T A+s-k*: 0+.,0'8 5--day p'otential': 0+.-4+0 T*h+i.s a g+reat op,p_ortunity to at l'east d+ouble up! N+o t o-n.l-y d+o.e-s t*h.i,s f,i-r,m h_a,v*e gre'at fundamen.tals-, b.u't gettin_g t h*i's oppor_tun+ity at t h'e ri'ght ti.me, ri,ght befor e t.h.e r,ally is w h+a+t make+s t h,i,s d_e-a_l so sw eet! Wat-ch it s'o_a-r ! T+h_e n-e*w,s repo rt o'v e_r at L inux Tod_ay in _cludes e,v+e-n m+o-r e inf,orma-tion, inclu d_ing n+e,w*s t,h,a,t Googl'e Ear_th f-o*r Linu.x is planne*d as w,e,l'l . T,h_e K_ing's T+w.o Bodi es. He w+a_s d,o*w+n a-n d o+u+t-. A n'd I'',m n-o t p.a*i-d to abus_e t,h e c*o*p-y mac.hin'es. Cl_ass m.e'n-u Sp*ecifi'es t'h+e de+fault m*e'n+u u+s.e.d f o_r a*n-y win.dow in t,h,e c'lass t_h.a+t d+o e-s n-o*t exp'licit_ly def+ine a m'e,n'u,.
participants (1)
Hiten dfv