Copy table between monet instances using COPY BINARY ...

Hello, I read the following recipe . Please is there a command or a binary that does the dump part "Each attachment file is produced by a program that writes the binary image of the BAT directly, ..." ? (mclient --format=raw?) We are on "MonetDB Database Server v1.7 (Feb2013-SP6)". Thank you for your help. Radovan

I think a previous reply was that if you use C or some other language and write raw bytes to the disk to store the answers that belong in the column, you provide that file as a parameter in mclient when running the binary bulk load and it moves the file to its internal directory structure and automatically starts using it. Early on I wanted to stream binary data to MonetDB but that was not what they had in mind. The binary file has to be on the same disk as the server. The upside is that your application can get rid of the middle work done by MonetDB to go from text back into a binary format by doing this. In the end our team did not go that direction. Sent from my iPhone
On Mar 17, 2014, at 8:30 AM, Radovan Bičiště
wrote: Hello, I read the following recipe . Please is there a command or a binary that does the dump part "Each attachment file is produced by a program that writes the binary image of the BAT directly, ..." ? (mclient --format=raw?) We are on "MonetDB Database Server v1.7 (Feb2013-SP6)". Thank you for your help.
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Radovan Bičiště