[MonetDB-users] Announcement: New Apr2012-SP1 Bugfix release of MonetDB suite

The MonetDB team at CWI/MonetDB BV is pleased to announce the Apr2012-SP1 bugfix release of the MonetDB suite of programs. More information about MonetDB can be found on our website at http://www.monetdb.org/. For details on this release, please see the release notes at http://www.monetdb.org/Downloads/ReleaseNotes. As usual, the download location is http://dev.monetdb.org/downloads/. Apr 2012-SP1 bugfix release Build Environment * Windows: we now use OpenSSL 1.0.1b. SQL * Databases that were upgraded from the Aug2011 release have an error in the catalog for SQL procedures. This is now fixed. Merovingian * Fixed a bug where connecting to a stopped multiplex-funnel would result in a 'there are no available connections' error. MonetDB Common * Implemented MT_getrss for Mac OS X systems, this allows the server to know about how much memory is currently in use. Bug Fixes * 2454: SQL: add various statistical functions * 2916: non admin user cannot create temporary tables * 2949: SQL exception during execution of a correct user defined function that just returns a relation table constructed by a simple SQL select query * 2958: Grant does't work with schema syntax * 2960: mclient terminates connection during insertion of a large number of records from a file * 2972: SQL URL functionality contains errors * 2987: Broken type inference when using sql round * 2992: SQL module truncates DECIMALS when passing integers to MAL module * 3000: Inconsistency between read-only and read-write modes after dropping a schema * 3028: Segmentation fault in seqscan_eq_bte_bte_tloc_void_void * 3046: mserver5 terminates with segmentation fault * 3063: datacell functions no longer work after restart of database * 3072: Database upgrade from Dec2011 to Apr2012 broken for storage() * 3073: VERY slow foreign key check (due to missing batcalc.isnil() ?) * 3074: Name resolution in procedures * 3077: No errors on UDF returning table with too many columns * 3079: Converting an Oracle schema DDL for MonetDB fails to create a column named "no".
participants (1)
Fabian Groffen