[MonetDB-users] Using MonetDB / XQuery with PHP

Dear MonetDB Team, We are currently checking the MonetDB/XQuery distribution for use in several governmental and research projects. We have succesfully installed the MonetDB/XQuery server and are able to perform some example queries by loading some .xq files with the MapiClient. By using the php_monetdb.dll which came along with the MonetDB/SQL server, we were able to perform some SQL queries on that database. But now we want to perform MIL queries on the MonetDB/XQuery server. I assume the used/ripped MAPI dll (version 1.0) does not support the MIL language, in essence, I am not able to configure the php.ini to accept: monetdb.default_language = mil On the website, the only thing mentioned about a windows installation of the MAPI for PHP is (http://monetdb.cwi.nl/TechDocs/APIs/PEARDB/index.html): For windows setups the story is a little bit more complex. TODO Can you explain how to install / acquire the proper dynamically loadable php module php_monetdb.dll which supports MIL and with which we can query our XML data? With kind regards, Menno Holtkamp Technical consultant Vergunningen Advies Overheid.nl Wilhelmina van Pruisenweg 104, 2595 AN Den Haag Postbus 84011, 2508 AA Den Haag

Hi Menno, Thanks for considering MonetDB. The php_monetdb module can speak all languages that are supported by mapi: mil, mal, sql and xquery. I never used PEAR, but always used the monetdb_xxx functions directly. The monetdb_connect() function accepts a language to use, which can be one of the few mentioned above. Unfortunately the documentation as on the web is outdated in this respect. From the example monetdb_query_demo.php http://monetdb.cvs.sourceforge.net/monetdb/MonetDB/src/mapi/clients/php/Cimpl/examples/monetdb_query_demo.php?revision=1.5&view=markup it shows that the language has to be given as first argument to the monetdb_connect() function. As from the function documenation: proto resource monetdb_connect([string language [, string host [, string port [, string username [, string port [, string database [, int connect_type]]]]]]]) I hope this helps/clears up a bit. Feel free to ask. On 22-11-2006 11:56:40 +0100, Menno Holtkamp wrote:
Dear MonetDB Team, We are currently checking the MonetDB/XQuery distribution for use in several governmental and research projects. We have succesfully installed the MonetDB/XQuery server and are able to perform some example queries by loading some .xq files with the MapiClient. By using the php_monetdb.dll which came along with the MonetDB/SQL server, we were able to perform some SQL queries on that database. But now we want to perform MIL queries on the MonetDB/XQuery server. I assume the used/ripped MAPI dll (version 1.0) does not support the MIL language, in essence, I am not able to configure the php.ini to accept: monetdb.default_language = mil On the website, the only thing mentioned about a windows installation of the MAPI for PHP is (http://monetdb.cwi.nl/TechDocs/APIs/PEARDB/index.html): For windows setups the story is a little bit more complex. TODO Can you explain how to install / acquire the proper dynamically loadable php module php_monetdb.dll which supports MIL and with which we can query our XML data? With kind regards, Menno Holtkamp
participants (2)
Fabian Groffen
Menno Holtkamp