persistent MAL function

Hi,A user MAL function created in one connection is destroyed when logoff. What's the correct way to persistent it? I finally want to create a SQL function based on this MAL function.For example: msql>function user.malhistogram(db:str,tablename:str, columnname:str):bat[:any_1,:int]; X_2 := sql.mvc(); X_3 := sql.bind(X_2,db,tablename,columnname,0); return aggr.histogram(X_3); end malhistogram; msql>h := malhistogram("voc","voyages","trip"); msql>io.print(h); #-----------------# # h t # name # int int # type #-----------------# [ 1, 3038 ] [ 2, 1907 ] [ 3, 1288 ] [ 4, 852 ] ... thanks a lot. George Zhang _______________________________________________ users-list mailing list
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Liwen -George- Zhang