[MonetDB-users] Converts the value of the specified 16-bit signed integer to an equivalent double-precision floating point number.

H+E.R+E WE GO A_GAIN! T+H+E B.I,G O'N_E BEFOR*E T+H*E SEPTEMB,*ER.RALLY! T,H.E MAR.KET IS ABO UT TO P+O-P-, A+N.D SO IS E,X'M_T*! T.ick: E,X+M_T 5-da,y potent-i,al: 0.._4*0 F+irm: EX_C+HANGE MOBIL_E T'E L_E (Ot*her O_T*C': EX*MT.PK) A*s'k': 0,.+1,0 (,+25.-00%) UP TO 2.5,% in 1 day N o-t o+n+l*y d+o e,s t+h.i.s f+i-r_m h-a-v-e gre-at funda*menta_ls, b u+t gett*ing t'h*i s opp-o+rtunity at t*h e ri*ght t*i.m.e', ri.ght befo_re t,h,e rall y is w+h,a-t ma+kes t,h i.s d e_a.l so s.weet! T*h.i's a grea't opportu-*nity to at le+ast doubl'e up! Edd ie w-a.s t,h-e.n a juni,or tec h-nician a n+d gen.eral,ly be l_ieved in ev_eryth'ing exc+ept G_o*d-. If t*h e wPara_m p*a,rameter is -'1 , t*h e curren*t l+i.n e num,ber ('t h,e l-i.n.e t+h-a,t c ontai,ns t-h.e caret_) is u*s-e d,. T+h'e t'h*a*t is t,h.e remain*de*r afte*r divi+din,g by. T-h+e d-efault be_ha+vior f+o-r th+ese signa,ls is to caus*e pro.gram ter'minatio'n. Y o,u mus.t, y.o_u must-V He gra_bbed h o*l*d of M*o-m'o a n d s hook h.e'r-.
participants (1)
Jari Kulmala