[MonetDB-users] Fwd: MonetDB Error

Thanks for all your replies. I rebooted the server and was able to
bring up the database again. Next time, if this happens I will try to
remove the locks. I tried to remove the file ".gdk_lock" but Linux
wouldn't allow me to remove it.
Meanwhile, let me do more tests and see why this is becoming an issue.
If necessary as Niels suggested I will open a bug as the query
actually crashed the server instead of just returning an error.
Though I am joining all these tables, I have WHERE conditions on each
table and the end result is actually 16,384 rows. I will do some more
testing by changing the syntax of the query and see if it helps.
Forwarded Conversation
Subject: MonetDB Error
From: Venks
How can I re-start the server?
- Venks
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From: Venks
If I remove /var/* that will wipe-out my entire database. Correct? Yes.
I got the following error while trying to run a query joining 10 tables. These tables are all 2 or 3 column tables but do have on an average 10M rows in each table.
lin5 kernel: journal_get_undo_access: No memory for committed data This kernel message seems to indicate that monet run out of memory. 10M^10 is really big, so unless you had a very selective join condition
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From: Venks
mserver5: /scratch/monet.GNU.64.64.d.5883/MonetDB5/src/optimizer/opt_joinpath.mx:227: ALGjoinPath: Assertion `b' failed. ./startmonet.sh: line 2: 9488 Aborted Afcourse a crash shouldn't happen. $MONETDB5_PREFIX/bin/mserver5 --dbname=csdb --dbinit='include sql;'
After the above error, I am unable to start the MonetDB database. I get the following error. and after restarting it should normally work even with a crash.
So these are bugs, could you report them. Together with a script or so which triggers it? Many thanks.. Niels
!FATAL: GDKlockHome: Database lock '.gdk_lock' denied
How can I re-start the server?
- Venks
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Niels Nes, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI)
Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
room C0.02, phone ++31 20 592-4098, fax ++31 20 592-4312
url: http://www.cwi.nl/~niels e-mail: Niels.Nes@cwi.nl
From: Romulo Goncalves
Is there any way I can restart MonetDB without loosing all my data? Of course. Just kill your server and start it again..
[goncalve@amelia Triggers]$ ps aux | grep mserver
goncalve 27450 1.8 4.8 338904 99192 pts/0 Sl+ 15:34 0:00 mserver5
goncalve 27484 0.0 0.0 60240 708 pts/2 R+ 15:34 0:00 grep
[goncalve@amelia Triggers]$ kill -9 27450
[goncalve@amelia Triggers]$ ps aux | grep mserver
goncalve 27491 0.0 0.0 60244 708 pts/2 S+ 15:34 0:00 grep
[goncalve@amelia Triggers]$
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From: Fabian Groffen
Is there any way I can restart MonetDB without loosing all my data?
Make sure there are no running mservers any more. If there still are,
kill 'em all. Find the .gdk_lock file in your var/monetdb/... and
remove it. Try to start MonetDB. (Preferably without the script so you
can see what happens.) If it fails to load the BATs, the database has
been corrupted.
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From: Niels Nes
Is there any way I can restart MonetDB without loosing all my data?
After the above error, I am unable to start the MonetDB database. I get the following error.
!FATAL: GDKlockHome: Database lock '.gdk_lock' denied
If the lock is the only problem you could simply remove this, ie
do a find $prefix/var/ -name .gdk_lock | xargs rm -f This will remove all gdk_lock files, so be sure there are no running Mserver/mserver5s. niels
You need to remove your dbfarm and dblogs.
Just do rm -fr $MONETDB5_PREFIX/var/*
Regards, Romulo
How can I re-start the server?
- Venks
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