[MonetDB-users] R: Re: mclient fails to connect to local database server: "No route to host"

Can you check the merovingian.log file to see if it actually sees a client connecting, or maybe give another hint why things go wrong?
These lines appear in /usr/local/var/log/merovingian.log when I try to connect with mclient: MSG merovingian[8124]: database 'demo' already running since 2007-11-12 14:24: 35, up min/avg/max: 2/769/4851, crash average: 0.00 0.00 0.00 (10-9=0) MSG merovingian[8124]: redirecting client for database 'demo' to mapi:monetdb: //hp:50001/ The fact is that my host is reffered as "hp" (my machine name) and as "localhost". On my /etc/hosts file "hp" is an alias for and not for, and beacuse of this mclient is blocked by my firewall. I changed my /etc/hosts file and now it works, but how to make MonetDB listen on "localhost" instead of "hp"? There is no option for that in /usr/local/etc/monetdb5.conf I find this error message as well when I start the "demo" db: ERR demo[8181]: #warning: please don't forget to set your vault key! ERR demo[8181]: #(see /usr/local/etc/monetdb5.conf) What is this about? Thanks for help Fabian!

On 12-11-2007 14:48:55 +0100, marco.antonelli82@fastwebnet.it wrote:
Can you check the merovingian.log file to see if it actually sees a client connecting, or maybe give another hint why things go wrong?
These lines appear in /usr/local/var/log/merovingian.log when I try to connect with mclient:
MSG merovingian[8124]: database 'demo' already running since 2007-11-12 14:24: 35, up min/avg/max: 2/769/4851, crash average: 0.00 0.00 0.00 (10-9=0) MSG merovingian[8124]: redirecting client for database 'demo' to mapi:monetdb: //hp:50001/
The fact is that my host is reffered as "hp" (my machine name) and as "localhost". On my /etc/hosts file "hp" is an alias for and not for, and beacuse of this mclient is blocked by my firewall. I changed my /etc/hosts file and now it works, but how to make MonetDB listen on "localhost" instead of "hp"? There is no option for that in /usr/local/etc/monetdb5.conf
At the moment, merovingian will always start its mservers such that they listen on "any" address, because merovingian does the same. It is still one of my wishes (and feature requests) to be able to specify to which IP address should be listened to.
I find this error message as well when I start the "demo" db:
ERR demo[8181]: #warning: please don't forget to set your vault key! ERR demo[8181]: #(see /usr/local/etc/monetdb5.conf)
What is this about?
this is a security warning, that you can ignore as long as you don't care much about passwords stored in the database's administrative catalog.
participants (2)
Fabian Groffen