[MonetDB-users] protocol violation: unexpected line in data block

Hi when execute sql : select * from td_ind_security_held where id = 1560000 in DbVisualizer 7.1.1,it appears "protocol violation: unexpected line in data block" td_ind_security_held has 30 columns(1 int,6 varchar, others decimal) and about 7 million rows. I'm working with MonetDB Server v5.22.3, based on kernel 1.40.3 (downloaded msi from sourceforge) over Windows XP SP3.

On 27-02-2011 15:05:08 +0800, tangray wrote:
when execute sql : select * from td_ind_security_held where id = 1560000
in DbVisualizer 7.1.1,it appears "protocol violation: unexpected line in data block"
A protocol violation usually indicates the server is sending some information not at the right occasion. I assume you use JDBC. In order to get more insight in this problem, I need a JDBC debug-log. You can send me this log off-list. You can create such log by creating a JDBC connection with the debug=true property in the connection url, e.g. jdbc:monetdb://yourhost/yourdb?debug=true

Hi Fabian
the DbVisualizer log file is :
RD 1298855541531: read final block: 57 bytes
RX 1298855541531: onxRWd3Yv:mserver:9:RIPEMD160,SHA256,SHA1,MD5:LIT:SHA512:
RD 1298855541531: inserting prompt
TD 1298855541531: write final block: 92 bytes
TX 1298855541531: BIG:risk:{SHA256}01fa94fefcadb5918473e49aaa8e425538f8d40960b2d649348cb17c599031ae:sql:krisk:
RD 1298855541546: read final block: 0 bytes
RX 1298855541546:
RD 1298855541546: inserting prompt
TD 1298855541546: write final block: 48 bytes
TX 1298855541546: sSET TIME ZONE INTERVAL '+08:00' HOUR TO MINUTE;
RD 1298855541546: read final block: 0 bytes
RX 1298855541546:
RD 1298855541546: inserting prompt
TD 1298855541546: write final block: 15 bytes
TX 1298855541546: Xreply_size 250
RD 1298855541546: read final block: 0 bytes
RX 1298855541546:
RD 1298855541546: inserting prompt
TD 1298855541546: write final block: 46 bytes
TX 1298855541546: sSELECT "name", "value" FROM sys.env() as env;
RD 1298855541546: read final block: 4246 bytes
RX 1298855541546: &1 0 46 2 46
% .env, .env # table_name
% name, value # name
% varchar, varchar # type
% 18, 203 # length
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[ "gdk_version", "1.40.3" ]
[ "prefix", "D:\\Program Files\\MonetDB\\MonetDB5" ]
[ "exec_prefix", "D:\\Program Files\\MonetDB\\MonetDB5" ]
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[ "gdk_dbfarm", "C:\\Documents and Settings\\swordtan\\Application Data\\MonetDB5\\dbfarm" ]
[ "gdk_debug", "0" ]
[ "gdk_alloc_map", "no" ]
[ "gdk_vmtrim", "yes" ]
[ "monet_admin", "adm" ]
[ "monet_prompt", ">" ]
[ "monet_welcome", "yes" ]
[ "monet_mod_path", "D:\\Program Files\\MonetDB\\MonetDB5\\lib\\MonetDB5;D:\\Program Files\\MonetDB\\MonetDB5\\lib\\MonetDB5\\lib;D:\\Program Files\\MonetDB\\MonetDB5\\lib\\MonetDB5\\bin" ]
[ "monet_daemon", "no" ]
[ "host", "localhost" ]
[ "mapi_port", "50000" ]
[ "mapi_clients", "2" ]
[ "mapi_open", "true" ]
[ "mapi_autosense", "false" ]
[ "default_pipe", "inline,remap,evaluate,costModel,coercions,emptySet,aliases,mitosis,mergetable,deadcode,commonTerms,joinPath,reorder,deadcode,reduce,dataflow,history,multiplex,garbageCollector" ]
[ "minimal_pipe", "inline,remap,deadcode,multiplex,garbageCollector" ]
[ "sql_optimizer", "default_pipe" ]
[ "sql_debug", "0" ]
[ "standoff_ns", "" ]
[ "standoff_start", "start" ]
[ "standoff_end", "end" ]
[ "config", "D:\\Program Files\\MonetDB\\MonetDB5\\etc\\monetdb5.conf" ]
[ "mero_pidfile", "D:\\Program Files\\MonetDB\\MonetDB5\\var\\run\\MonetDB\\merovingian.pid" ]
[ "mero_controlport", "50001" ]
[ "nov2009_pipe", "inline,remap,evaluate,costModel,coercions,emptySet,aliases,mergetable,deadcode,constants,commonTerms,joinPath,deadcode,reduce,dataflow,history,multiplex,garbageCollector" ]
[ "replication_pipe", "inline,remap,evaluate,costModel,coercions,emptySet,aliases,mergetable,deadcode,constants,commonTerms,joinPath,deadcode,reduce,dataflow,history,replication,multiplex,garbageCollector" ]
[ "accumulator_pipe", "inline,remap,evaluate,costModel,coercions,emptySet,aliases,mergetable,deadcode,constants,commonTerms,joinPath,deadcode,reduce,accumulators,dataflow,history,multiplex,garbageCollector" ]
[ "recycler_pipe", "inline,remap,evaluate,costModel,coercions,emptySet,aliases,deadcode,constants,commonTerms,joinPath,deadcode,recycle,reduce,dataflow,history,multiplex,garbageCollector" ]
[ "cracker_pipe", "inline,remap,evaluate,costModel,coercions,emptySet,aliases,selcrack,deadcode,constants,commonTerms,joinPath,deadcode,reduce,dataflow,history,multiplex,garbageCollector" ]
[ "sidcrack_pipe", "inline,remap,evaluate,costModel,coercions,emptySet,aliases,sidcrack,deadcode,constants,commonTerms,joinPath,deadcode,reduce,dataflow,history,multiplex,garbageCollector" ]
[ "datacell_pipe", "inline,remap,evaluate,costModel,coercions,emptySet,aliases,deadcode,constants,commonTerms,joinPath,datacell,deadcode,reduce,dataflow,history,multiplex,garbageCollector" ]
[ "octopus_pipe", "inline,remap,evaluate,costModel,coercions,emptySet,aliases,mitosis,mergetable,deadcode,constants,commonTerms,joinPath,octopus,deadcode,reduce,dataflow,history,multiplex,garbageCollector" ]
[ "mapreduce_pipe", "inline,remap,evaluate,costModel,coercions,emptySet,aliases,mapreduce,mergetable,deadcode,commonTerms,joinPath,reorder,deadcode,reduce,dataflow,history,multiplex,garbageCollector" ]
[ "datacyclotron_pipe", "inline,remap,evaluate,costModel,coercions,emptySet,aliases,datacyclotron,mergetable,deadcode,constants,commonTerms,joinPath,reorder,deadcode,reduce,dataflow,history,replication,multiplex,garbageCollector" ]
[ "derive_pipe", "inline,remap,evaluate,costModel,coercions,emptySet,aliases,mergetable,deadcode,constants,commonTerms,derivePath,joinPath,deadcode,reduce,dataflow,history,multiplex,garbageCollector" ]
[ "dictionary_pipe", "inline,remap,dictionary,evaluate,costModel,coercions,emptySet,aliases,mergetable,deadcode,constants,commonTerms,joinPath,deadcode,reduce,dataflow,history,multiplex,garbageCollector" ]
[ "compression_pipe", "inline,remap,evaluate,costModel,coercions,emptySet,aliases,mergetable,deadcode,constants,commonTerms,joinPath,deadcode,reduce,dataflow,compression,dataflow,history,multiplex,garbageCollector" ]
[ "gdk_mem_pagebits", "16" ]
[ "gdk_mem_bigsize", "1048576" ]
[ "monet_pid", "984" ]
[ "monet_version", "5.22.3" ]
RD 1298855541546: inserting prompt
TD 1298855541562: write final block: 60 bytes
TX 1298855541562: sselect * from risk.td_ind_security_held where id = 1560000;
RD 1298855541578: read final block: 1600 bytes
RX 1298855541578: &1 1 1 30 1
% risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held # table_name
% id, bizdate, painnercode, currency, exchange, seccode, basickind, unrealizedgainchange, unrealizedgain, margingain, interestgain, othergain, yieldrate, accrualinterest, allgain, fullmv, marketvalue, lastfullmv, lastmarketvalue, lastcost, cost, buysum, sellsum, realizedgain, holdingqty, lastholdingqty, mvweight, lastmvweight, fullmvweight, lastfullmvweight # name
% int, varchar, varchar, varchar, varchar, varchar, varchar, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal # type
% 7, 8, 8, 3, 5, 6, 3, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 14, 14, 14, 14 # length
RD 1298855541578: inserting prompt
TD 1298855762109: write final block: 60 bytes
TX 1298855762109: sselect * from risk.td_ind_security_held where id = 1560000;
RD 1298855762125: read final block: 1600 bytes
RX 1298855762125: &1 2 1 30 1
% risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held, risk.td_ind_security_held # table_name
% id, bizdate, painnercode, currency, exchange, seccode, basickind, unrealizedgainchange, unrealizedgain, margingain, interestgain, othergain, yieldrate, accrualinterest, allgain, fullmv, marketvalue, lastfullmv, lastmarketvalue, lastcost, cost, buysum, sellsum, realizedgain, holdingqty, lastholdingqty, mvweight, lastmvweight, fullmvweight, lastfullmvweight # name
% int, varchar, varchar, varchar, varchar, varchar, varchar, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal, decimal # type
% 7, 8, 8, 3, 5, 6, 3, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 14, 14, 14, 14 # length
RD 1298855762125: inserting prompt
when I change the sql to : select id,bizdate from risk.td_ind_security_held where id = 1560000 , it gets the right result.so I try to specify other
field , when i specify the column "allgain" , the error appears again.
At 2011-02-28 02:43:44,""
On 27-02-2011 15:05:08 +0800, tangray wrote:
when execute sql : select * from td_ind_security_held where id = 1560000
in DbVisualizer 7.1.1,it appears "protocol violation: unexpected line in data block"
A protocol violation usually indicates the server is sending some information not at the right occasion. I assume you use JDBC. In order to get more insight in this problem, I need a JDBC debug-log. You can send me this log off-list.
You can create such log by creating a JDBC connection with the debug=true property in the connection url, e.g. jdbc:monetdb://yourhost/yourdb?debug=true
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On 28-02-2011 09:35:07 +0800, tangray wrote:
RD 1298855541546: inserting prompt TD 1298855541562: write final block: 60 bytes TX 1298855541562: sselect * from risk.td_ind_security_held where id = 1560000; RD 1298855541578: read final block: 1600 bytes RX 1298855541578: &1 1 1 30 1
interesting, the data doesn't follow, although there should be 1 row
RD 1298855541578: inserting prompt TD 1298855762109: write final block: 60 bytes TX 1298855762109: sselect * from risk.td_ind_security_held where id = 1560000; RD 1298855762125: read final block: 1600 bytes RX 1298855762125: &1 2 1 30 1
I don't see any output here too
field , when i specify the column "allgain" , the error appears again.
can you show me the log for a query for which the error appears again?
participants (2)
Fabian Groffen