[MonetDB-users] MonetDB/XQuery not coming back
Hi there, I am looking again into MonetDB/XQuery. A colleague of mine ran a little test on MonetDB/XQuery and made the experience that when starting the server and importing some documents, a query is possible. But when killing the server (running as deamon - killed with CTRL-C), restarting it the same query never comes back. He tried this under FreeBSD and I am experiencing the same problem now on Mac OS X 10.4.11. I turned on debug logging (level 255) but did not see anything that would help me. The only thing I really did see were lines like this while the client was hanging and the CPU running at 100% load. # batstamp(-1418) = -292 # batstamp(1663) = -84581 # batstamp(1662) = -84582 # batstamp(1662) = -84583 # batstamp(-1659) = -84584 # batstamp(1662) = -84585 # batstamp(1449) = 0 # batstamp(1633) = 0 Killing the client the server would still be running producing these lines with the numbers keeping on sinking (getting more negative). After killing the server (CTRL-C) and restarting it I can browse the database using the web interface, but whenever I run the query it goes bye-bye. The query that ran successfully directly after import but not after restart is this:
declare namespace leveler="urn:xmlns:sfb441:leveler";
let $lexical := pf:documents()[@collection eq 'tuebadz' and fn:starts-with(., 'Corpus-Lexical')]/fn:string(text ())
let $verbs := ( for $doc in $lexical return fn:doc($doc)//tok[fn:starts-with(fn:string(pos/ @leveler:text), "V")] )
return element results { attribute matches { count($verbs) }, for $verb in $verbs/fn:string(orth) order by $verb return element verb { $verb } }
If I slightly modify the query removing /fn:string(orth), the query runs well. I played around a little and whenever I try to access the "orth" element in any way it goes bye-bye. The "tok" elements have another child called "pos" which I can access just fine. The difference is that "orth" contains a text node while "pos" is an empty tag. Example:
<tok id="s_7_n_15"> <orth>seien</orth> <pos xmlns:leveler="urn:xmlns:sfb441:leveler" leveler:text="VAFIN" func="HD" /> </tok>
Do you have any ideas how to fix/handle this problem? Thank you very much. Cheers, Richard
participants (1)
Richard Eckart