I do not have answer to your queries. We are trying to move monetdb and would be extremely helpful if you could let me know
1. How big is your database?
2. Are you running in production?
--- Original Message ---
From: "Anshuman Kumar"
Sent: June 27, 2013 5:44 AM
Subject: Indexing in monetdb
Hello everyone on the mailing list,
Please find some time to go through my queries.
I created a table with some fields out of which 1 is timestamp. I wanted to
have indexing on this table. While going through the available documentation
for monetdb, I found out that it creates its own indexing and might ignore
user provided indexing. I went ahead and started pushing in data into the
table with single inserts (10000 of them accumulated in a transaction). My
table is pretty big now and it contains about 250 million records (over 2
months of data). Even simple queries to find records between specified
timestamps takes a lot of time(12-13 mins in some cases)
We really feel the need of indexing on the table(don't know if that can
help). I happened to stumble upon an article on monetdb mailers:
According to this article if I insert data into the table using - INSERT
INTO table_name (...) ORDER BY X,Y.
The order by here will enforce indexing on X, Y. I would like to confirm
whether this really enforce indexing?
I have a few other questions pertaining to my case:
1) Is there a predefined way of speeding up such queries in monetdb?
2) If the insert with an order by clause is a work around then what if going
further, I start inserting with the insert query with the order by clause.
a)Will that enforce indexing on the whole table or on only those records
which were inserted using such inserts? b) Or should I just move the data
from my table with 250 million records into another table using the insert
with order by clause?
3)One more question regarding the setup of monetdb - I have initiated
monetdb using the M5server.bat on my windows 2008 R2 64 bit server. This
makes it run as a service and starts off at the server start-up. This is all
nice and acceptable. The problem comes when I need to restart the monetdb
server. The only way I was able to do this was to kill the process
(mServer5.exe) since I was not able to figure out the service (in the
windows services) which starts monetdb.
So my simple question is how to restart monetdb server if it gets installed
by M5server.bat?
Can somebody please help me with the queries?
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