Monetdb mserver5 performance flag

Hello, If it is not too much trouble, could someone explain in detail what happens when you work with mserver5 with flag −−performance (JOINPROPMASK | DEADBEEFMASK)? My intention is to execute several queries and measure their performance in time using the structures provided by MonetDB in order to optimize, at the moment I have documented myself about the Optimizer Pipelines and I would like to know if somebody knows about other structures offered by MonetDB to optimize queries. The purpose of my research is to show the advantages of MonetDB, taking advantage of every resource provided to optimize queries. Thanks in advance.

I'm using MonetDB Oct2014-SP1 and have run into another problem with the
inet datatype. When the data value is a network specification (address +
prefix length in CIDR notation), it is possible to insert/update values
using INSERT or UPDATE, but COPY INTO fails. For example, the following
works fine:
create "testing"
network inet
insert into "testing" values('');
However if you create a file for bulk loading:
copy 1 records into "sys"."testing" from stdin using delimiters
and then try to load it, it fails:
mclient -d test

Can you please file a bug report on this at Thanks. On 12/24/2014 06:46 AM, Tim Burress wrote:
I'm using MonetDB Oct2014-SP1 and have run into another problem with the inet datatype. When the data value is a network specification (address + prefix length in CIDR notation), it is possible to insert/update values using INSERT or UPDATE, but COPY INTO fails. For example, the following works fine:
create "testing" ( network inet ); insert into "testing" values('');
However if you create a file for bulk loading:
copy 1 records into "sys"."testing" from stdin using delimiters '\t','\n','"'
and then try to load it, it fails:
mclient -d test
It seems like the parser for COPY INTO has a problem. Thus, among other things, it's impossible to use msqldump to save the content of a table and then restore it.
This also has big impact on my application at least, since individual inserts take much longer than COPY INTO.
Just thought I'd let you know!
_______________________________________________ users-list mailing list
-- Sjoerd Mullender

On Wed, Dec 24, 2014 at 02:46:37PM +0900, Tim Burress wrote:
I'm using MonetDB Oct2014-SP1 and have run into another problem with the inet datatype. When the data value is a network specification (address + prefix length in CIDR notation), it is possible to insert/update values using INSERT or UPDATE, but COPY INTO fails. For example, the following works fine:
create "testing" ^^^^ table missing ( network inet ); insert into "testing" values('');
However if you create a file for bulk loading:
copy 1 records into "sys"."testing" from stdin using delimiters '\t','\n','"' ^^^^ ; missing
It seems to run on the branch already. Welcome to mclient, the MonetDB/SQL interactive terminal (unreleased) Database: MonetDB v11.19.8 (unreleased), 'demo' Type \q to quit, \? for a list of available commands auto commit mode: on sql> create "testing" more> ( more> network inet more> ); syntax error, unexpected IDENT, expecting INDEX in: "create "testing"" sql> insert into "testing" values(''); INSERT INTO: no such table 'testing' sql> sql> sql> create table "testing"( network inet); operation successful (15.042ms) sql> insert into "testing" values(''); 1 affected row (3.841ms) sql>copy 1 records into "sys"."testing" from stdin using delimiters more>'\t','\n','"'; more> 1 affected row (14.109ms) sql>select * from testing; +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | network | +======================================================================================================================================+ | | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 2 tuples (1.365ms) Niels
and then try to load it, it fails:
mclient -d test
It seems like the parser for COPY INTO has a problem. Thus, among other things, it's impossible to use msqldump to save the content of a table and then restore it.
This also has big impact on my application at least, since individual inserts take much longer than COPY INTO.
Just thought I'd let you know!
_______________________________________________ users-list mailing list
-- Niels Nes, Manager ITF, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) Science Park 123, 1098 XG Amsterdam, The Netherlands room L3.14, phone ++31 20 592-4098 url: e-mail:
participants (4)
Jose Noel Mendoza Bastidas
Niels Nes
Sjoerd Mullender
Tim Burress