support for window aggregates and window frames ...

Does MonetDB support window aggregates and window frames?
From the documentation it looks like it supports only window rank functions. Queries of the form: SELECT saleyear, salequarter, sum(saleamount), sum(saleamount) OVER ( PARTITION BY saleyear ORDER BY salequarter ASC) AS partitionedsaleamount FROM ds_1108_null_advent_1580276965 group by saleyear, salequarter; fail with this error: SELECT: function 'sum' not found However, the code seems to include branches that process window aggregates. See sql_parser.y (line 3530) and rel_select.c (line 4658).
I am also seeing a similar issue with window frames: SELECT saleyear, salequarter, EXTRACT (MONTH FROM orderdate) AS monthofsale, SUM(saleamount) AS totalsales, RANK() OVER ( PARTITION BY monthofsale ORDER BY SUM(saleamount) ASC ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING) AS rank FROM ds_1108_null_advent_1580276965 GROUP BY saleyear,salequarter,monthofsale ORDER BY saleyear ASC LIMIT 20; TypeException:user.s16_1[60]:'algebra.subsort' undefined in: (_103:any, r1_103:any, r2_103:any) := algebra.subsort(_92:int, r1_100:bat[:oid,:oid], r2_100:bat[:o id,:oid], _83:bit, _99:bit) program contains errors NOTICE: This e-mail message and any included attachments are from Infogix, Inc. ("Infogix") and are intended solely for use by the individual(s) to whom the message was addressed. The information contained herein may include privileged or otherwise confidential information. Unauthorized review, forwarding, printing, copying, distributing, or using the information contained in this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, or have reason to believe that you are not authorized to receive it, please promptly notify the sender by e-mail, delete the message from your computer, and do not copy or disclose the information to anyone else. If you properly received this e-mail as an addressee, please maintain its contents in confidence to protect confidentiality. Thank you.
participants (1)
Jay Prasad