issue granting administrator rights

I have successfully managed to configure multi-user access to my user defined schema. All the users are granted monetdb “rights with: GRANT monetdb TO user1 Once logging the new user has ability to SELECT / DROP / INSERT etc. in the user schema. Sadly at the time of executing the MonetDB.R command: tStatus <- dbWriteTable(conn, tPFile, dataDt,overwrite=TRUE, csvdump=TRUE) I’ve got: Unable to execute statement 'COPY OFFSET 2 INTO demand FROM '/Users/xxx/demand.csv' USIN...'. Server says '!COPY INTO: insufficient privileges: COPY INTO from file(s) requires database administrator rights, use 'COPY INTO "demand" FROM STDIN' instead' So clearly GRANT monetdb TO user1 is not enough to empower user1. I tried: GRANT monetdb to “user1" WITH ADMIN OPTION; But at this point after: SET SCHEMA cleveland; SET ROLE monetdb; I get error "Role (monetdb) missing” It does not seem correct to me: surely it should be possible to grant rights to a user at the same level of “monetdb”, including administrator rights? Enzo
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