[MonetDB-users] MonetDb comparison Data Load

Dear Developers-Users, First of all I would like to thanks all of your afforts to birng us these DB technologies and a platform for openly discussion. We are consulting big sized customers and deploying their data search technologies. Total size is around 1 petabytes daily . (total of our customers number ) . Their data size starts 1 TB ( lines cvs) to 100 TB. so we have different size of customer base. We are looking opensource db solutions for a while due to lack of support and technological cumbersome of the current commercial solutions. We have 3 test customer now : 1-1 TB data dailiy read only purposes. cvs file should be load to database . Data should be load to the database max 2 hours. after that comlex crm analitic queries. max 10 concurrent user/queries. database will be daily and wil not grow dailiy. so limit is 1 TB data load. 2-10 TB data daily. same as above .. 3-50 TB data stabil. will not grow. So we are looking for a solutions: *Fast data loading. How fast we load data to the MonetDB ? Is it could be multithreaded data loading possible ? *Is it possible to MPP ? can we add more server to share cpu resources and decrease the load time ? what is the best HW solution for above first customer ? Do we need still fat enterrprise servers or what ? We are also looking for InfoBright, Vertica and also Luciddb. VErtica is not opensource so out of the list. Infobright seems not giving its full power in the opensource.. Also we heard about the MonetDB X100 and interested. After 3 months succefully test we will support monetDB developer if its solved our problems. We can pay . Best Regards W.S
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